Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Life's Too Short, Death's Too Long

                                     Life's Too Short.

                                      Death's Too Long

                                  Written By Ki Radiance


                              "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Long and short are two opposing lengths.  Life and death

are two different standings.  But these standings are true facts:

Life's too short.  Death’s too long.  I'm aiming to grab the attention

of the world.  Mostly aiming to scare us enough to change directions

of our actions of who we follow.  Life's too short.  Death's too long.

It's a wonder why some people commit suicide, them not knowing

death's too long, of which there's no coming back from.  Life's too

short.  Death's too long.  How deep does those words sink into our

hearts?  Life's too short.  Death's too long.  Life's too short to make

us appreciative of living.  Being careful how we live.  Death's too

long.  If we appreciate what we have in this life, we would do what's

needed to be here for what we appreciate.  Life or death.

         P.S. Love who you love today, because we're not promised


                               Ki Radiance

                               Sunday October 14, 2018

                               10:14 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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