Wednesday, October 3, 2018



                     Written By Ki Radiance


                "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is one thing we desperately need to do to live: Forgive.  Forgive

people when and if.they offend us.  We are all different.  Different in every

aspect.  With theses differences among us, chaos of many kind develops.

From color to race, from size to height,   From knowledge to ignorance.

From ignorance to intelligence.  From poor to rich, and the like.  From

all these facets and  many others as such, we only begin to live when

we forgive.  Attitudes some people express towards other people, those

people who shows that emotion was expressed towards must forgive

those people to enable themselves to live.  We are emotional beings,

which is where our actions and reactions come from.  Everyday we

must forgive people, because we make mistakes everyday.  When

some people don't forgive people, they carry the weight of anger with

them.  That's a heavy weight to carry around.  So it's a matter of if

we want to live, there's one thing we must do, forgive.

                             Ki Radiance c Copy-All Rights ReservedFor

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