Saturday, October 19, 2019


My literature reaches higher elevations every time my pens write on paper.

They reach higher elevations because of my communications with God.  One of my

pen names is, (DEEP) because that’s the depth my literature reaches down into people’s

hearts.  I write everything in the world, persisting to show the world, (who we are) where

God is missing, everywhere.   My literature is designed to be a mirror to the world, so we

can see reflections of ourselves.  Dig deep down into the pits of our stomachs,  so we can

see the detrimental realities we live in.  I’m persisting to reveal to the world we won’t see

elevations in our lives if we don’t have communications with God everyday.

     I got hit by a car when I was seven years old.  Was in a coma for three months.

Without the prayers of family and friends (which is how we communicate with God)

I wouldn’t have reached higher elevations.  I’ve reached elevations of returning to school,

elevating from the second grade, to two and a half years of college.   Those elevations

extended to those levels  because of my communications with God.  The heights are

results of our communications with God.  Actions speak louder than words.  So when

we neglect our communications with God, we’re neglecting elevations in our lives.

                   Ki Radiance
                  Saturday October 19, 2019

                  10:05 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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