Wednesday, November 13, 2019



           Written By Ki Radiance 


         “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

       (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


       Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Patience is a virtue of trust.  God calls us to be patient, which 

shows we trust him, because time is in his hands.  I have to be 

patient In dating, because when I persist to find that special man,

it blows up in my face.  God’s time is the right time.  Patience is 

a virtue of trust. When we are patient, that shows we trust.  Patience 

is a strength we must grow in everyday, because that builds character 

within us.  Patience is something we all must hold within ourselves.

If we trust God, we have to show patience, because things happen 

when and if God wants them to happen.  I think God might say,

“If you trust me, you would have patience, because God is developing 

something genuine within us.  

       P.S.  Patience calls us everyday with everything we’re involved in.
God’s the Potter. We’re the clay.  Knowing this, we must trust what

he’s developing within us.

         Ki Radiance 

         Friday September 15, 2017

         5:14 p.m. c Copyright -All Rights Reserved Patience/PP

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