Thursday, December 26, 2019

God’s Word: My Security Blanket

                               God’s Word:  

                           My Security Blanket       

                         Written By Ki Radiance 


                       “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                      Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

From the time I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep at night, I engulf

myself in God’s word.  I’m a writer whose literature can be backed up with 

scriptures, because God’s word is written on my heart.  God is his word.

(John 1:1). In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and

the word was God.  He’s on my mind twenty four hours, seven days a week.

I only write about God because he’s the only thing worth writing about.  God’s 

word, (the BIBLE) is my Security Blanket, delivering, “Basic Instructions Before Leaving 

Earth.”  I do fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23). for all have sinned and fall short of 

the glory of God.  Jesus makes our sins as white as snow.  (Isaiah 1:18). Come now, let

us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as

snow.  Though they are as red as crimson, they will be as wool.  God’s word, the (BIBLE) is

my security blanket, securing me from all hurt, harm, and danger.y

     Isaiah 1:18) Come now, let us reason together,  says the Lord, though your sins are red like

 crimson, they shall be as wool.  God’s word is my security blanket.  I will never be afraid, 

because God’s is my security.  My feet won’t slip because God’s word is a lamp for my feet.  

(Psalm 119: 105)  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.  In conclusion, I 

will never be afraid because God word is my security blanket.  I will never be cold because

 God’s word is my security blanket.  So I will never add nothing to it,  or take anything away

 from it.

                               Ki Radiance 

                              Friday December 20, 2019

                             9:30 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


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