Thursday, December 12, 2019

The World’s Medicine

                                  The World’s Medicine 


                                Written By Ki  Radiance 


                           “Sunshine,  DEEP, & SMILE”

            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

The world is sick.  We are the world, and every action we perform puts

us in positions we’re in.  We act and react on our emotions, which is 

detrimental to us because Satan attacks us on our emotions.  We need 

to live ooh spiritual levels, but we can’t because God has separated himself 

from the human race in the garden of Eden.  We are all different.  From 

goals we want to reach.  Some people steal from other people.  Those

people who were victimized should forgive those people, because it’s

senseless to carry the weight of not forgiving people around our necks.

When we forgive, our hearts can beat because forgiveness has removed 

what was pressing down on our hearts.  Preventing us from breathing.

     Everyday we are at war with each other.  Some people take revenge 

out on other people, where God says, “Vengeance is mine.” (Deuteronomy 

32:35). To me belongeth vengeance and recompense their foot shall slide

in due time, for the day of their foot shall slide in due time.  For the day of

their calamity is at hand, and things that shall come upon them haste.

The world is starving for forgiveness.  Who has heart enough to give the

world mouth to mouth resuscitation   We have to forgive.

                      Ki Radiance 

                      Wednesday December 11, 2019

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