Friday, May 29, 2020

Write To Read

                     Write To Read

                     Written By Ki Radiance


                    “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”
                   (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Literature I write can be backed up with scripture.  I 

write everyday.  So I’m reading the “BIBLE “ everyday.

(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). God blessed 

me with a talent in writing to find him.  He really wants

me to find him because he’s blessed me.with a talent in 

writing that enables me to find him.  He who finds me

finds life.  (Proverbs 19:8).  He who acquires wisdom 

loves himself, one who safeguards understanding 

will find success.  I will find God because I write everyday,

which my literature takes me all through the Bible.  I write 

literature to read God’s word.  God wants me to find him,

and that’s the true reason why I write.

                 Ki Radiance

               Thursday May 20. 2020

               3:35 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Write To Read

                     Write To Read

                     Written By Ki Radiance


                    “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”
                   (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Literature I write can be backed up with scripture.  I 

write everyday.  So I’m reading the “BIBLE “ everyday.

(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). God blessed 

me with a talent in writing to find him.  He really wants

me to find him because he’s blessed me.with a talent in 

writing that enables me to find him.  He who finds me

finds life.  (Proverbs 19:8).  He who acquires wisdom 

loves himself, one who safeguards understanding 

will find success.  I will find God because I write everyday,

which my literature takes me all through the Bible.  I write 

literature to read God’s word.  God wants me to find him,

and that’s the true reason why I write.

                 Ki Radiance

               Thursday May 20. 2020

               3:35 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Thursday, May 21, 2020


                 Crisis/Might JustI

                Written By Ki Radiance


               “Sunshine, DEEP, &  SMILE”

            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    Everything has a reason for happening, current conditions 
we’re facing.  This crisis, (Coronavirus) might just be an instrument 

aiming to humble our hearts.   Slow us down, get our focus back on 

what  they should be set on.  Death is a real eye opener.  Nothing else

could open our eyes and get them focused again on what they should 

be focused on more than death.  Because there’s no coming back from 

that.  This crisis might just slow our intentions down, because every action 

has a reaction.  So to protect us all, answer the call.  The call of what the

crisis might just be yelling for us to pay attention to.  It might just be trying

to prevent us from performing actions that puts us in situations 

we can’t get out of.

     Life is a school where valuable lessons are taught everyday.  So we should 

fiercely pay attention to this virus and who we are around.  So that could be 

what this virus might just be aiming to do.  Get us to pay attention to who

we are around.

                         Ki Radiance

                        Wednesday May 20, 2020

                        11:23 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Nothing’s Impossible With God

Nothing’s Impossible With God

 Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

“Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is the truth we all must stand on:  Nothing is impossible 

with God.  (Luke 1:37).  For nothing is impossible with God.  God 

is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  (Revelations 

22:13). He is the Creator of the world.  He speaks things into existence.

Prayer is how we communicate with God.  The (BIBLE) is how God speaks to us.

Releasing, “Basic mInstructions Before Leaving Earth.”  Nothing is impossible 

with God.  His time is not our time, but he’s always on time.  (1 John 3:20). For 

if our heart condemn us,

     God is greater than our hearts, and knoweth all things.  For with God all things 

are possible.  (Luke 1:37). When I was seven years old, I was hit by a car.  I was

in a coma for three months.  Doctors told my family I wouldn’t wake up, but if I

did, I’d have to live the rest of my life on a respirator.  But after those three months,

God woke me up and the first words I said were, “What am I doing with these diapers 

on?  I feel God allowed me to be in a coma for three months because he was repairing 

what may have been damaged.  They may have called me being brain damaged, but I 

called me to be brain delivered.  I’m brain delivered because I was hit by a car when I 

was in the second grade.  I was told I wouldn’t be able to return to school, but I’ve

extended my education from the second grade to two and a half years of college.

I don’t call what I had brain damaged, I call it brain delivered because Jesus Christ,

(the image of God) makes things possible.  All things are possible for those who believe.

(Mark 9:23).  Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible 

for those words believe.  So before calling things impossible, we must

consult with him who all things are possible form those who believe.

                   Ki Radiance

                   Tuesday May 19, 2020

                   2:37 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Always Full Because Always Absorbs

            Always Full 

          Alway Absorbs

     Written By Ki Radiance


     “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     I have to buy new notebooks of paper and folders every week, because 

they’re full due to my absorption of God’s word.  God is his word.  (John 1:1)

In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and the word 

was God.  I only write about God because he’s the only thing worth writing about.

He’s on my mind twenty- four hours, seven a week.  God is a constant in my life.

As first as I make him in my life, that’s how first he will be in blessing me.  My

folders are full because God’s word is new every day.  (Lamentations 3::22-23)

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because hm compassions 

fail not.  They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness.  God’s blessed me 

with a talent in writing to find him, which all of them can be backed up with: scripture.

 That’s why my folders are full, because in my heart God’s word is absorbed.

                   Ki Radiance

                   Friday April 10, 2020

                   9:21 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Shake The Dust

            Shake The Dust

           Written By Ki Radiance 


       “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


    Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

With every action we perform releases dust from our exhaustion.

Our actions are known as dust, because they don’t come from God.

God is love, compassionate, gracious, eternity, goodness, graciousness,

holiness, immutability, and impossibility.  We fall short of the glory of God.

(Romans 3:23). We should shake the dust off our feet, because Jesus makes 

our sins as white as snow.  (Isaiah 1:18). Come now, and let us reason together,

though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be

red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  When we worry, we should shake the

dust off our feet.  Give our worries to God, because he cares for you.  (1 Peter:

5:7).  People stare at me because I constantly shake, but showing my faith in 

God, I shake the dust off my feet.

           Ki Radiance

           Monday May 5, 2020

           2:34 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Thursday, May 7, 2020



                     Written By Ki Radiance


                "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

      I’m a doctor of literature.  Every time my pens write on

paper, operations are performed.  They’re performed due to

my literature being deep.  They’re deep because I can’t stand 

shallowness.  If my literature impacts people’s hearts, operations 

have been performed.  I write about everything around the world.

I want to change the world before I leave it.  I will change the world 

because my literature can be backed up with scriptures because God’s

word is written on my heart.  He’s on my mind twenty-four hours, 

seven days a week.  I write everyday, so I operate everyday.  God’s 

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, 

and training in righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:12). I’m aiming to be a mirror to 

the world, so we can see reflections of ourselves.  Because seeing is believing.  

Pages are filled because operations are performed.  
     There are many different problems facing our world.  God’s word is powerful 

and effective, is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness.  

is sharper than any double-edged sword.  It penetrates to dividing soul and spirit,

joints and marrow.  We need to secure and protect our spirits, because Satan prowls 

around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Daily I’m operating on the

world’s heart, and this is performed through my pages being filled with God’s word, 

which he is.

                      Ki Radiance

                      Wednesday May 5, 2020

                       10:30 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Because Of My Personal Relationship With God

                    Because Of My Personal

                    Relationship With God 

                     Written By Ki Radiance


                  “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    I’m able to write impacting pieces of literature, inspiring,

 motivational , and empowering messages to the world.  I’m

able to do this because of my hunger for God and personal 

relationship with him.  My personal relationship with God began 

when I was seven years old.  I was hit by a car.  I was in a coma 

for three months.  Doctors told my family I would have to live the 

rest of my life on a respirator.  They said I would be a vegetable.  

After three months passed, God woke me up and the first words I 

said were, “What am I doing with these diapers on?”  I talked for three 

days straight.  I was told I wouldn’t be able to walk again, but I kept 

pressing towards that determination, because of my personal relationship 

with God.  

     My family was told I wouldn’t be able to return to school because I 

was brain-damaged.  But I did return because of my personal relationship 

with God.  I extended my education from the second grade to two and 

 a half years of college.  I’ve written a book, got it published, read literature 

on television and on the radio.  I’ve achieved all of these accomplishments

because of my personal relationship with God.

             Ki Radiance

            Tuesday May 5, 2020

              c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Sunday, May 3, 2020

                              We’re All In This Together 

                               Written By Ki Radiance


                            “Sunshine, DEER,  & SMILE “

                          (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This statement is true, or it should be true: We’re all in this together.  Mostly,

what’s happening in the world says different.  What comes to one, comes to us 

all.  Specifically, I’m speaking of trials and tribulations.  These are tests of faith 

and mostly obedience.  We’re all in this together. But we separate this connection 

everyday because we fall short of the glory of God.  (Philippians 4:13).  We’re all in

this together.  Our eyes aren’t set on the same destination where they should be set on.

They should be set on things above.  We’re separated because we hold two different 

spirits in our lives as the most high.  God Almighty or Satan.  We’re all in this together.

Fighting the same fight.  Fighting against the  “FLESH”, (False Lessons Eating Salvation’s

Honor).  We must unite as one to stand strong and tall, reaffirming to what presses against 

us.  So remember this one fact:  We’re all in this together.

         (Matthew 6:19-21). Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust 

doth corrupt, and where thieves break in and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in 

heaven, where neither moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

                         Ki Radiance
                   Tuesday March 17,2020

                   8:39 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved