Thursday, August 4, 2022



       Written By Ki Radiance 


     “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Most people (if not all) don’t like talking about death.  Knowing 

this destination will come to us all, we must leave productive memories 

behind.  In order for people to remember everyone’s name, each

 individual must make a powerful change.  Personally, I’m aiming to make a change.


I’m aiming to change emotions of hate some people have in their hearts 

and express love to other people and to themselves.  That would cover 

everything, because love and hate are the two emotions that our world

acts on.  We fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23). I aim to be

a mirror to the world, giving concrete and absolute reflections of ourselves,

and our parts in presenting the world in its current state.  People 

will remember my name because I always have a smile on my face.  People 

always ask me, “Why do you always smile?”  I proudly responded, “Because God 

hasn’t given me a reason to frown.  

     People will remember my name because I’m a writer who impacts people’s hearts


by literally revealing the beauty of God, (the Almighty). With this one accomplishment,

people will remember my name because I Gmade a change through this one introduction.

                     Ki Radiance 

                     Monday November 18, 2019

                    8:15 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

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