Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Cry At Birth: Rejoice At Death


         Cry At Birth: Rejoice At Death

                 Written By Ki Radiance


             Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This order may seem backwards to us, 

but we must do this: Cry at birth, rejoice 

at death.  But we cry at birth because people 

are born into a destructive world, and we rejoice 


at death because the departed are resting

in peace.  They’re at peace because they don’t 

have to suffer anymore.  We see things in 

backward order.  This one specifically, “Cry

At Birth, Rejoice At Death."  We shouldn’t 

be selfish in this manner, because, to be absent

from the body is to be present before the Lord

P.S.  Just remember what position the departing

of Darnell Thomas places our hearts in:

 Cry At Birth, Rejoice At Death.  Rest In Peace

my friend.

       Shakira Jones


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