Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Hunt Is On And We’re The Prey


                        The Hunt Is On,

                       And We’re The Prey

                     Written By Ki Radiance


                   “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “


                  (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

  We don’t think of ourselves as being one of these:: a prey.

A prey of suicide, homicide, terrorizing, spousal abuse, child

abuse, sexual harassment, racism, sexism, drug abuse harassment, 

and other actions and emotions as such are growing everyday.

Our emotions hunt us down everyday.  Our knowledge hunts us

down because emotions of jealousy, hatred, confusion, and other

emotions as such hunts our understanding down.  Our knowledge 

of God hunts us down with actions we perform and results that

returns.  They hunt us down with responsibilities we face everyday. 

We desperately need to hold onto patience, because things happen 

when and if God wants them to happen.  There’s no rushing him.

God is reproducing himself in the human race"

    (Genesis 11:26-27). Then God saith, “Let us make mankind in 

the image in our liken, so that they may rule over the fish in the 

sea and birds in the sky.  Over the livestock and all the wild animals,

and over all the creatures that move along the ground.  

     P.S.  God is the potter and we are the clay.  This is the most

intimate hunting there is: imitating Jesus Christ.

            Shakira Jones

            Monday March 13, 2023

            7:13 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Just Another Fight

                       Just Another Fight

                      Written By Ki Radiance


                  "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

       We face them everyday: Fights.  I give all my worries and concerns to God Almighty,

because the bible says, "Give all your worries to God, because he cares for you."  ((1  Peter

5:7).  Doctors told me I have hypothyroid, which is what my former doctor told me.  

That's why losing weight s difficult and can be impossible.  God tells me, "I can do all things 

through Christ who strengthens me."  (Philippians 4:13).  It's just another fight for those who 

believe in God.Almighty, who is powerful, generous, compassionate, gracious, and patient.  I 

don't claim having hypothyroid' because it's not in God's name.  Having hypothyroid doesn't 

scare me because I fear no man but God.  Having hypothyroid is just another fight, which

gives me productive directions to move in.  This diagnosis opened my eyes of what

fight I'm in now, because that's all this is: a fight.  A fight I'm not shrinking away from.

         P.S.  I'm in it to win it.  I'm never given more than I can handle.  I hold onto this

promise from God.  

                            Ki Radiance

                           Thursday November 30, 2017


                           5:40 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserve v.     

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Not Done Because God Hasn’t Won

                           Not Done

                       Because God Hasn’t 


                    Written By Ki Radiance


              “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

          (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


         Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     I write everyday for this specific reason: because God hasn’t won..

Won the hearts of this world.  God’s word is what I fight with. God’s 

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching, correcting,

rebuking, and training in righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:12).  For the 

word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword,

it penetrates to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges 

the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  I touch on everything 

in the world to make us aware of where God is missing: in our hearts.  

We need to know what we could have if we   God?  The desires 

of our hearts.  (Psalm 37:4)  Take delight in the Lord and he will give you 

the desires of your heart.  People who read my literature constantly ask me, 

“How long are you going to write?  I constantly tell them, “Until God has won

the hearts of the world.  God wants me to find him, because he blessed

me with a talent in writing which can be backed up with scriptures.  They

can because God’s word is written on my heart.  (Romans 2:14-15)

Indeed, when Gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things 

required by the law.  They are a law for themselves, even though they 

do not have the law.

    They show that the requirements are written on their hearts, their

 consciences also bearing witness and the requirements are written

on their hearts,   Their consciences also bearing witness and their thoughts 

sometimes accusing them, and other times defending them.  This will 

take place on the day when God judges peoples secrets through Jesus Christ

as my gospel declares.  God blessed me with a talent in writing, which I 

give back to him.  (Revelations 4:11). You are worthy, our Lord and God 

to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and

by your will they were created and have their being.  I’m determined to 

change the world before I leave it ". I will do this through my literature,

because they are deep and are inspired by God.  They make people

think about actions they perform and words they speak.  This knowledge 

comes from God.  The “BIBLE “ which displays,  (Basic Instructions Before 

Leaving Earth)?

     With writing I’m not done because God hasn’t won the world.  The

world is humongous.  Larger than we could imagine.  I’m operating daily with the

word of God, which again is powerful and effective, is useful for

 teaching and correcting, rebuking and training in righteousness.

(Hebrews 4:12). God’s word is new every morning.  (Lamentation’s 

3::23). I love my life.  Since I have this knowledge of God, which is

which is growing everyday.  I’m not done writing, because God 

hasn’t won the world.

         P.S. I persist to be a mirror to the world,  so we can see 

reflections of ourselves.

       Ki Radiance

Wednesday March 8, 2023

7:47 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Truth Hurts: But Truth’s Worth


                            Truth Hurts,  

                          But Truth’s Worth 

                      Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE “

            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Some people hate when people lie to them, but the only reason they 

tell them lies is because the truth hurts.  But the truth’s worth us having 

freedom.  Truth’s worth us not holding confusion in our hearts.  Truth’s 

worth us not walking in darkness.  Truth hurts because what’s real is 

revealed, there’s no more hiding once truth is revealed.  It’s a powerful 

strength we hold within ourselves.  The truth comes from God.  The truth 

is God. No secrets are held when truth is revealed.  There’s no more hiding

when the truth is revealed.  It’s powerful strength we hold.  Truth is worth our 

lives.  Some people used to call me fat.  That did hurt because some of those 

people were my family members.  I used to cry about this, though my family 

didn’t care about my feelings.  But I’ve reflected and realized that as being 

wake up calls for me to take a serious look at myself and what condition my 

heart would be in if I didn’t act in urgency.  That truth hurts, but it was worth 

 me losing one hundred pounds.

    God tells me I fall short of his glory.  (Romans 3:23). All have sinned and fall 

short of the glory of God.  But God forgives and makes our sins as white as

snow.  Thou they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.  (Isaiah 1:18)

The truth hurts, but the truth’s worth us knowing we are enemies of God because 

we don’t obey God.  We are friends of this world because we don’t obey God.

To love God is to obey him.  To love me is to keep his commandments   (John 

14:15). If you love me, keep my commandments.  The truth hurts.  But truth is 

worth our lives because God is the truth, and commands us to abide by the truth.

God is the truth.  We need to take our pain and what elms us to him.  Truth hurts,

but we can grow from knowing the truth.  The truth is a powerful force to hold in

our hearts.  But what is it worth to us?  Well actions speak louder than words.

Truth’s worth us walking in it.  What it’s worth is having closer walks with God.

                        Ki Radiance


                   Saturday January 25, 2020

                   10:45 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved