Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Just Another Fight

                       Just Another Fight

                      Written By Ki Radiance


                  "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

       We face them everyday: Fights.  I give all my worries and concerns to God Almighty,

because the bible says, "Give all your worries to God, because he cares for you."  ((1  Peter

5:7).  Doctors told me I have hypothyroid, which is what my former doctor told me.  

That's why losing weight s difficult and can be impossible.  God tells me, "I can do all things 

through Christ who strengthens me."  (Philippians 4:13).  It's just another fight for those who 

believe in God.Almighty, who is powerful, generous, compassionate, gracious, and patient.  I 

don't claim having hypothyroid' because it's not in God's name.  Having hypothyroid doesn't 

scare me because I fear no man but God.  Having hypothyroid is just another fight, which

gives me productive directions to move in.  This diagnosis opened my eyes of what

fight I'm in now, because that's all this is: a fight.  A fight I'm not shrinking away from.

         P.S.  I'm in it to win it.  I'm never given more than I can handle.  I hold onto this

promise from God.  

                            Ki Radiance

                           Thursday November 30, 2017


                           5:40 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserve v.     

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