Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Truth Hurts: But Truth’s Worth


                            Truth Hurts,  

                          But Truth’s Worth 

                      Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE “

            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Some people hate when people lie to them, but the only reason they 

tell them lies is because the truth hurts.  But the truth’s worth us having 

freedom.  Truth’s worth us not holding confusion in our hearts.  Truth’s 

worth us not walking in darkness.  Truth hurts because what’s real is 

revealed, there’s no more hiding once truth is revealed.  It’s a powerful 

strength we hold within ourselves.  The truth comes from God.  The truth 

is God. No secrets are held when truth is revealed.  There’s no more hiding

when the truth is revealed.  It’s powerful strength we hold.  Truth is worth our 

lives.  Some people used to call me fat.  That did hurt because some of those 

people were my family members.  I used to cry about this, though my family 

didn’t care about my feelings.  But I’ve reflected and realized that as being 

wake up calls for me to take a serious look at myself and what condition my 

heart would be in if I didn’t act in urgency.  That truth hurts, but it was worth 

 me losing one hundred pounds.

    God tells me I fall short of his glory.  (Romans 3:23). All have sinned and fall 

short of the glory of God.  But God forgives and makes our sins as white as

snow.  Thou they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.  (Isaiah 1:18)

The truth hurts, but the truth’s worth us knowing we are enemies of God because 

we don’t obey God.  We are friends of this world because we don’t obey God.

To love God is to obey him.  To love me is to keep his commandments   (John 

14:15). If you love me, keep my commandments.  The truth hurts.  But truth is 

worth our lives because God is the truth, and commands us to abide by the truth.

God is the truth.  We need to take our pain and what elms us to him.  Truth hurts,

but we can grow from knowing the truth.  The truth is a powerful force to hold in

our hearts.  But what is it worth to us?  Well actions speak louder than words.

Truth’s worth us walking in it.  What it’s worth is having closer walks with God.

                        Ki Radiance


                   Saturday January 25, 2020

                   10:45 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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