Wednesday, July 26, 2023


                                   Best Position:

.                                  Upside Down 

                                 Written By Ki Radiance


                             “Sunshine,  DEEP, & SMILE”

                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is the best position our world could be in: upside 

downUpside down because hatred reigns supreme love love   

Hatred will be turned into love. I’m determined to be.a be a

mirror to the world, so we can see  we’re the reasons 

the world stands as it does .  The hands of the world must 

stand as being arrested with our intentions surrendered to 

God.  We must surrender our.wills unto God.  Make our

walks of life becomes Christ’s walks of life.  The best

position we can be in is upside down.  Can our hearts 

be humbledenough to do 

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