Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I Write To Reveal Our Desperations For God


      The one specific reason why I write is, to 

reveal our desperation is to change.  I want t

speak to the world, be a mirror so we can see

reflections of ourselves.  We’re in a “WAR”

against ourselves, because we’re persisting 

to, (Win All Respect).  I write to read our

desperation to, “FOLLOW” Jesus Christ.

(Fully Obey Laws Loyal Of Wisdom).  I

write to reveal our desperations to listen

to God.  God speaks through his word, the

“BIBLE “ which releases' (Basic Instructions 

Before Leaving Earth), which he is.  (John 

1:1). In the beginning was the word, and the

word was with God, and the word was God.

We must read God’s word everyday.  (Lamentations 

3:22-23  Because of the Lord’s great love and mercy

we are not consumed, for his compassion s never

fail  They are new every morning, great is his


     God is good.  He shows us “MERCY” which

shows we’re( Made Eternally Righteous Considering 

 Yourself)  God has mercy on whom he chooses.  (Romans 

9:15-16)  For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on

whom I choose to have mercy on”,and I will have compassion 

on whom I have compassion.  I write to reveal our desperation.

I don’t write fictional pieces of literature, because we live in the real 

world, and that’s what I persist to change.  I want to change the word 

before I leave it.  The world’s eyes desperately needs to be opened to

conditions we’re putting ourselves under.  That’s what I aim to open 

our eyes to.  What we esteem ourselves to be with actions we perform.

When we can see ourselves through actions we perform, that’s what 

I’m determined to reveal: our desperations for God.

         Ki Radiance

        Wednesday July 25, 2023

        1:49 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


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