Saturday, November 25, 2023

Blessed And Highly Favored

Blessed And Highly Favored       

Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE”

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

  I claim to stand in these positions everyday God blesses 

me with seeing: “Blessed And Highly Favored.”  I feel this


way because God didn’t have to let me see another day.  I’m blessed 

and highly favored, because I was hit by a car when I was 


seven years old.  I was in a coma for three months..  I feel

that was because God was repairing what may have been 

damaged.  When he woke me up, first words I said were,

“What am I doing with these diapers on?”  Doctors said 

I would be brain damaged, and there was no reason to 

send me back to school, because I won’t be able to 

learn.  But I have a faithful family, and that’s just what

they did.  I’ve extended my education from the second

grade, to two and a half years of college. 

     In high school I graduated second highest in my class.

I walked across stage to receive my diploma.  That’s my

resume of being blessed and highly favored.  I hope and

pray God ins’t finished.  I was at the Old County Buffet,

and my mother went to fix my plate.  A young man stood

at my table and said, “Hi a young man wanted me to 

give you a letter.”  On a napkin it said, “Hello strange,,

inside it said, “Hi,your smile caught my eye.  I’m thinking

to myself, is she sweet?  Well there’s only one way to find

out.  Call me,. L.A.  We were talking for a while, and he

said, “I hear you like to write.  Read something to me.”

I did and he surprisingly responded, “I’m going to get 

you on tv.”  I was so excited, I continued reading to

him and amazing him also.  He introduced me to a 

publisher and I got my book published.  I read in a 

restaurant and a television producer told L.A., “I

want her on my show.”  i’ve also read literature on

the radio.  I’m blessed everyday God wakes me up.

I’m highly favored because he chose to guide me

through this world.

                  Ki Radiance

                  Wednesday November 22, 2023

                  2:09 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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