Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Why? Depend

Why? Depend

Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP,, & SMILE”

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This simple question is asked everyday,  “Why .”  We must ask, “Why “ because 

there is one who knows all, God Almighty.  We are desperate to know God,  because 

we fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23). For all have sinned, and fall short of 

the glory of God.  We fall short because God wants us to depend on him.

I’m the Alpha and the Omega in their lives. (Revelations 22:13). I am the Alpha and the Omega

the beginning and the end.  God doesn’t take part in what happens in the world.  He’s 

a part of the recovery.  We don’t know why things happen.  But those of us who knows

God need to know and trust we can depend on him.

     P.S.  God is mysterious, which makes us curious to find him.  Then we’ll know why we

must depend.  (Isaiah 55:8-9)  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways

my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth.  For my thoughts are

not your thoughts. God is the Creator of the world.  (Isaiah 40: 28). Hast thou not known? Hast

thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth

not, neither is weary?  There is no searching of his understanding.


            Ki Radiance

Tuesday January 23, 2024            

8:35 a.m.c Copyright-All Rights Deserved

Peace Be Still

                    Peace Be Sill

             Written By Shakira Jones


         “Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE “

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential, 


 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is the one thing we all should want to have in our

lives: “Peace.”  Peace in our thoughts. Peace in our actions.

Peace in our relationships with each other.  When we’re at

peace, we can hear God speaking to us, because he’s not

going to beg for our attention.   We have to be willing to 

give them to him.  He’s the.Alpha and the Omega, the

beginning and the end.  (Revelations 22:13). I am the 

Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  The

first and the last.  Peace be still when we feel angry.  We

must give that emotion to God.  Make our emotions 

obedient to God.  Everything that’s thrown at us, we must

 throw God’s word back at them.  God’s word is powerful and 

effective,  is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training 

in righteousness ". (Hebrews 4:12). For the word of God is quick

and powerful, and sharper than any double edged sword,

piercing to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and  is

a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

     We must love one another, then peace will be still.  We must 

consider others above ourselves, then peace will  be still. We

must love ourselves.  Then peace will be still.  Ultimately we

must be the image of Christ, as he is the image of God.  (Colossians 

1:13). Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every

 creature.  For peace to be still , when Jesus looks at us, he must 

see himself.  We must seek God with all of our hearts.  When we 

find God, we will find peace and it will be still.

         Ki Radiance

        Tuesday March 13, 2024

        3:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Not For Me, But For Those Who Don’t Know Godł

                               Not For Me,

                                  But For

                       Those Who Don’t Know  God

                     Written By Ki Radiance


                 “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     These words should be stated at every funeral,“Not For

Me, But For Those Who Don’t Know.”  God is almighty, all powerful,

all knowing, loving, merciful, holy, righteous, good, gracious,

and humble.  But.his delight is in the law of the Lord,


and in his lawdoth he meditate day and night.  And he shall be like 


a tree planted by the rivers of the water that bringeth forth his fruit 

in his season, his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth 

shall prosper.  People who don’t know God deserves all our prayers and

tears, because he knowing God is the highest extreme we could reach.  

That’s why I write.  Not for me, but for those who don’t know God.


                      Tuesday December 19, 2023

                      7:30 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 






      Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine,DEEP, & SMILE “

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential 


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

I use my talent in writing to search for God.  Each piece can be 

backed up with scriptures, because God’s word is written on my

heart.  2 Corinthians 3:3)i. Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared 

to be the epistle Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but 

with the spirit of the living God.  Not in tables of stone, but in fleshly

tables of the heart.  I will find God because he’s blessed me with 

a talent in writing, which takes me to God’s word.  God’s word is powerful 

and effective, is useful for teaching and correcting, rebuking, and training 

in righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:12). For the word of God s quick and

powerful, and sharper than any double edged sword, piercing even to 

the dividing asunder soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner 

of the heart.”  Everything is dissected with my heart and mind.  I have to 

carry pens and paper with me everywhere I go, because I don’t know

God will speak to me.

     (2 Timothy 4::2-5)  Preach the word in season and out of season,

reprove, rebuke, exhort, which all long suffering and doctrine.  For the 

time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after 

their own lusts, shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching 

ears.  And they shall turn away there ears from the truth, and

shall be turned unto fabies.  But watch thou in all things endure 

afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy

ministry.  My literature is full of writing, (which is my talent.  That’s 

how I search for God, give my talent back to him..

              Ki Radiance,

             Monday January 22, 2024

            9:30 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Unto Others As Unto Ourselves

                          Unto Others


                         Unto You 

                 Written By Ki Radiance


            “Sunshine, DEEP, &  SMILE “

        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


       Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

T.his powerful statement should reign supreme, after God’s word must be

in everyone’s hearts, “Do unto others as you would have then do. 

unto you.”   If we all lived by this passion, the world would be a 

better place.  If we do unto others as they do unto us, the world

would be in unity.  Life’s all about reaping and sowing.  We get

what we give.  If we want love given to us, we have to give love

to other people.  The world would stand in powerful positions 

if we do unto others as they do unto us, then we’d know

what to expect from each other.  Then there would be order

in the world.  We don’t want confusion in our world, so we

should do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

(Matthew 11:28). What conditions do we want our world to be in?

Well actions speak louder than words.  We get what we give in

this world.  So we must be slow to speak, and quick to listen.

Then the statement, “Do unto others as you would have them

do unto you would make sense, and have effect in our world.

                       Ki Radiance


                   Sunday August 28, 2022


                  8:50 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 




Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP,, & SMILE”

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This simple question is asked everyday,  “Why .”  We must ask, “Why “ because 

there is one who knows all, God Almighty.  We are desperate to know God,  because 

we fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23). For all have sinned, and fall short of 

the glory of God.  We fall short because God wants us to depend on him.  He must be 

the Alpha and the Omega in our lives. (Revelations 22:13). I am the Alpha and the Omega

the beginning and the end.  God doesn’t take part in what happens in the world.  He

a part of the recovery.  We don’t know why things happen.  But those of us who knows

God need to know and trust we can depend on him.

     P.S.  God is mysterious, which makes us curious to find him.  Then we’ll know why we

must depend.

                 Ki Radiance

                Tuesday January 23, 2024

                8:35 a.m.c Copyright-All Rights Deserved

Thursday, January 18, 2024

At Stake To Stay Awake


         At Stake  To Stay Awake 

       Written By Ki Radiance


"Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE" 

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


 Simple Motion In Love Eternally

This is a true fact of life: Our lives are at stake to

make us stay awake of actions we perform, words

we speak, emotions and attitudes we express to

each other.  It seems like things as serious as us

getting our lives in order has to be at stake for us


to make changes in our lives.  Our lives are at stake 

because we don't abide by the Ten Commandments:  

(Deuteronomy 5: 7-21) Thou shall have no other Gods 

before me.  Thou shall not make thee any graven image 

or any likeness of anything in heaven above, or that is in 

the earth beneath, or in the waters below.  

Thou shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the 

Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children of the 

third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing 

love unto thousands who love me and keep my commandments.  

Thou shall overcome not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the

Lord will not hold him guiltless that take his name.

Keep the sabbath day and make it holy, as the Lord

your God commanded you.  Six days thou shall labour

and do all thy work.  But the seventh day is a sabbath of

the Lord your God: in it thou shall not do any work, thou,

nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant, nor your

maidservant, nor thy ox, nor thy donkey, nor thy cattle,

nor thy stranger within thy gates, that thy manservant

and maidservant may rest as you do.  And remember

that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and that the

Lord thy God brought you out of there with a mighty

hand and an outstretched arm.  Therefore the Lord

thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

      Honor your father and your mother as the Lord

your God commanded you, that thy days may be 

prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the

land which the Lord thy God give you.  Thou shall


not kill.  Neither shall thou commit adultery.  Neither

shall thou steal.  Neither shall thou bear false witness

against thy neighbor.  Neither shall thou desire thy

neighbor's wife, neither shall thou covet thy neighbor's

house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant,

his ox, his donkey, or anything that belongs to your

neighbor.  Our lives are at stake to stay awake that

we must keep God's Ten Commandments.  This may

be just what we need to stay awake, our relationships

with God being at stake.

                  Ki Radiance


                  Wednesday October 18, 2017

                  5:44 p.m. c Copyright -All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

God Didn’t Have To

                                     God Didn't Have To 

                          Written By Shakira Jones


                  "Sunshine  DEEP, & SMILE"

            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     We are blessed everyday.  Knowing all blessings 

come from God, but he didn't have to.  He sacrificed 

the life of his Son Jesus Christ for our sin, but he didn't 

have to.  Some people can say God valued our lives 

more than Christ' life, but he didn't have to.  God forgives 

our sins, places those punishments on Christ, but he didn't 

have to.  Beatings we deserved fell on Christ, but God Didn't 

have to allow this to happen.  God gives us the desires of our 

hearts.  (Psalm 37:4)  though he didn’t dhave to.  He blessed me 

with every breath I breathe, though he didn't have to.  He is

patient with me, although he doesn't have to be.  (2 Peter 3:9)

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as some understand

slowness.  He's patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but

everyone to come to repentance.

              Ki Radiance

             Saturday July 15, 2017

             3:30 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved


Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Late Great World

                         The Late Great World


                        Written By Ki Radiance 



                       “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”



                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,




                     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

Everyday some people are dying because of themselves.  Every since

the beginning of time with Adam and Eve,our world has been coming 

up late.  Late for what?  Late for obeying God.  God is his word.  (John 

1:1). Our world is, “Late” because we don’t obey God’s Ten Commandments:

Thou shalt have  none other God’s before me.  Thou shalt not make thee any

graven image in the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in

the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth.  Thou shalt not

bow down thyself unto them or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, am a

jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the 

third and fourth generation of those that hate me..  And shewing mercy unto

thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.  Thou shalt not

take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless 

that take his name in vain.   Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy

God hath commanded thee.  Six days thou shalt labour and do all thy work.  But the 

seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do any work, thou,

nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant nor thy maidservant. Nor thine ass,

or anything that is thy neighbors.  

     We are the world.  Being created by God makes us Great.  But because of our 

disobedience to him makes us late.




                       Ki Radiance 

                      Wednesday July 31, 2019

                       3:445 p.m. c- Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Reason To Brag


Sent from my iPad.

 Reason To Brag

Written By Ki Radiance


I know I’m not supposed to brag, but God has given me 

all the reason to brag about him.  (1 Corinthians 1:31) That, 

as it is written, he that glorieth, let him glorieth in the Lord.   

God says he will give me the desires of my heart.  (Psalm 

37:4). Delight thyself in the Lord, and he shall give you the 

desires of your heart.  When doctors told my family I wouldn’t 

wake up from a coma I was in for three months, my family

remained faithful I would wake up,  Three months passed and 

 God woke me up, and the first words I said were, “What am I 

doing with these diapers on?  I’m walking when doctors said I  

wouldn’t be able to.

I have reason to brag.because God gave me that ability.  I 

have reason to brag because God blessed me with faith and 

determination to accomplish my goals. I extended my 

education from the second grade to two and a half years of 

college.  I’m a writer, obviously, and have gotten my book

published.  I’ve read my literature on television.  I’ve 

also read my literature on the radio.

I’m not done bragging about God, because I’m faithful he’s 

not done blessing me. 

     I have faith as small as a mustard seed.  (Matthew 17:20)  

And Jesus said unto them,“Because of your unbelief, for

 verilyI say unto you.  If ye have faith as a grain of mustard 

seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, “Remove hence to 

yonder place,” and it shall remove and nothing shall be

 impossible unto you.  

    P.S.  I shall brag about no one but God, because he is a 

jealous God who I fear.  That shows I love him. 

(1John 4:17-18).   Herein is our love made perfect.  That we 

may have boldness in the day judgment.  So in conclusion, 

reflecting on all that was said, I haver reason to brag.

               Ki Radiance

               Thursday January 11, 20244

               3:30 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved