Thursday, January 11, 2024

Reason To Brag


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 Reason To Brag

Written By Ki Radiance


I know I’m not supposed to brag, but God has given me 

all the reason to brag about him.  (1 Corinthians 1:31) That, 

as it is written, he that glorieth, let him glorieth in the Lord.   

God says he will give me the desires of my heart.  (Psalm 

37:4). Delight thyself in the Lord, and he shall give you the 

desires of your heart.  When doctors told my family I wouldn’t 

wake up from a coma I was in for three months, my family

remained faithful I would wake up,  Three months passed and 

 God woke me up, and the first words I said were, “What am I 

doing with these diapers on?  I’m walking when doctors said I  

wouldn’t be able to.

I have reason to brag.because God gave me that ability.  I 

have reason to brag because God blessed me with faith and 

determination to accomplish my goals. I extended my 

education from the second grade to two and a half years of 

college.  I’m a writer, obviously, and have gotten my book

published.  I’ve read my literature on television.  I’ve 

also read my literature on the radio.

I’m not done bragging about God, because I’m faithful he’s 

not done blessing me. 

     I have faith as small as a mustard seed.  (Matthew 17:20)  

And Jesus said unto them,“Because of your unbelief, for

 verilyI say unto you.  If ye have faith as a grain of mustard 

seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, “Remove hence to 

yonder place,” and it shall remove and nothing shall be

 impossible unto you.  

    P.S.  I shall brag about no one but God, because he is a 

jealous God who I fear.  That shows I love him. 

(1John 4:17-18).   Herein is our love made perfect.  That we 

may have boldness in the day judgment.  So in conclusion, 

reflecting on all that was said, I haver reason to brag.

               Ki Radiance

               Thursday January 11, 20244

               3:30 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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