Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Be Change To See Change

                        Be Change 


                     See Change


                  “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

This is the most powerful thing we could be:, after a child of God, is change.

Change the way we think.  Change the way we treat each other.  Change the way

we solve problems.  Results are conclusions of matters.  Power can come 

from change, depending on what the actions we perform are.  We can’t ask for 

something if.we’re not willing to change to see the change..  So we must be the 

change to see the change.  Bottom line is we get what we give in life.  We reap 


what we sow.  We can’t depend on other people to be the change, because they 

may have different agendas.  That’s why we must be the change to see the 

change. Remember this is what life’s about.  We must hold close to our hearts:

we reap what we sow.   Our eyes must be opened for us to change.  Experience 

is the best teacher.  So we must change our walks of life to embrace this power.

                Ki Radiance

               Saturday December 16, 2023

              8:05 p.m. c Copyriight- All Rights Reserved 

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