Thursday, February 8, 2024

On Call: Hasn’t Accepted

                                        On Call/ Hasn't Accepted

                                      Written By Ki Radiance


                              "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     The word of God is always on call, because the world hasn't

accepted it's glory.  We are the world.  We make it into what it is. 

Darkness surrounds every corner of its existence.  The word of

God must be accepted in everyone's heart around the world.  The

word of God is on call because some people are killing other people,

even though God commands, "Thou shalt not kill."  (Matthew 19:18)

He saith unto him, which Jesus said, "Thou shalt not murder."  Thou

 shalt not commit adultery.   Thou shalt not steal.  Thou shalt not bear

false witness.  The word of God is on call because we all fall short of 

the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23)  It's on call because some people

don't see the value in life.

     The word of God is on call because too many people are committing

adultery, even though the word of God says, "Thou shalt not commit

adultery.  (Exodus 20:14). This is Satan's world.  There's nothing good

in it.  If it is, it's only temporary.  God's word is on call because we are

fighting against one another.  I'm not a medical doctor, I'm a spiritual 

doctor whose always on call because the world hasn't accepted God's


                    Ki Radiance

                    Sunday August 14, 2018

                    3:41p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved


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