Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Determination: My (DNA)


                  My (DNA)

            Written By Ki Radiance


            “Sunshine, DEEP, $MILE”

          (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,



            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

      I always thought (DNA) was a diagnosis of pregnancy.

I was told by doctors I couldn’t have babies.  Well, that’s 

their diagnosis.  But I know God has the last word.  My

(DNA) comes from inside also.  He’s not only my Father,

but he also is the Father of my literature.  My “DNA” is

what God commands them to be.  I was in a coma for three

months from getting hit by a car at seven years old.  By the

grace of God, he woke me up and the first words I said were,

“What am I doing with these diapers on?”  I’m walking because 

God blessed me with determination, which is my (DNA)

     I’m talking because of God blessing me with (DNA)". I’ve

extended my education from the second grade when the

accident happened, to two and a half years of college because 

of my determination.  I wrote a book and got it published because 

of my determination.  I read my literature on television and

on the radio, and in restaurants first because I had and still have 

faith.  That is because of my (DNA).  

     God impregnates me everyday and night with powerful literature.

I reread my literature, and I ask myself, “Did I write this?”  I give all

credit to God.

 P.S.  I have strong determination, and that’s my


                Ki Radiance

              Monday August 18, 2024


              10:10 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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