Thursday, October 24, 2013

Come As You Are

These four words are invitations from God to each one of us, "Come as you are." You may say "I've

committed too many sins that are as dark as night."  But the blood of Jesus paid the penalty for our

sins.  We fall short of the glory of God.  That's why he says, "Come as you are." These four words

are saying, "I forgive you.  I love you."  God knows how we are formed because He created us from

dirt.  He breathed the breath of life in our nostrils because he's inviting each one of us to "Come as

you are."  God's love for us stretches as far as the east is from the west.  God loves us so much that

when he looks at us, he sees Jesus.  God invites each one of us to, "Come as you are."  Are we

excepting his invitation?   Well, actions speak louder than words.  God forgives us of our sins but we

shouldn't use his forgiveness as permission to continue sinning.  God knows the intentions of our

hearts, so there's no hiding from him.  He says, "Come as you are," but we have to be willing to

change for the better because he doesn't force anything on no one.  He's looking for willing hearts to

obey him.  Then he'd see who loves him.  So that's why, "Come as you are."

                                                              Ki Radiance
                                                              Sunday, October 20, 2013
                                                              6:50 a.m.   c Copyright--All Rights Reserved

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