Thursday, April 17, 2014

Life's All About Whose Voice We Listen To

We make decisions every day of our lives.  Some easy, some difficult.  But results that return are

evidence of who we've listened to.  Every profitable and positive result that returns says we've

listened to God.  God is righteous, powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent, generous,

compassionate, gentle, sensitive, patient, sincere, and humble.  I've had a dream of being a writer.

Some people told me that was very, very difficult--I'd better have another goal to reach if this one

didn't end up being beneficial for me.  Well, I don't serve an "if" kind of God. My God wouldn't

give me a passion for a talent and not give me abilities and weapon (His word) to impact the

world with.  He tells me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

Life's all about whose voice we listen to.  The heights we'll reach is the strength of our faith.  Life's

all about whose voice we listen to.  Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of God is the beginning of

knowledge."  The world is negative, full of darkness.  God has taken his hands off of the world

because of the sin of Adam and Eve, which began the downfall of mankind.  Some people rape other

people, which shows they listen to Satan.  Some people steal, showing they listen to Satan.  Some

people kill other people, which shows they listen to Satan.  Some people gossip about other people,

which shows whose voice they listen to.  Satan makes disobedience look attractive.  The quick

returns they bring.  He twists the word of God around to turn hearts towards following him.

Life's all about whose voice we listen to.  If we want prosperity, we will listen to God.  If people

want to trick people, cheat, be selfish, tell lies, they would be listening to Satan.  Satan can disguise

his ways to be the truth, so we have to test the spirit to see if it lines up with the truth.  It's all about

what definitions are behind their names.  What reputations do we want to be associated with?  We

need to study the Bible to discover who we are, to know what actions to perform and which ones not

to.  To know why man was created:to develop Godly, righteous character.  Life's all about whose

voice we listen to.  Can who I listen to position me where I want to be?  All we have to do is

re-evaluate their resumes to see what we want, and that determines whose voice we listen to, which

is what life's all about.

                                                                      Ki Radiance
                                                             Monday, April 14, 2014
                                              7:44 p.m.  c Copyright--All Rights Reserved

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