Thursday, December 4, 2014

Leaving Footprints Of Jesus


                                             Leaving Footprints of Jesus

                                                Written By Ki Radiance


                                             “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                                        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                                          Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     We are very desperate to leave these impressions with our lives:

footprints of Jesus.  Footprints like caring, sacrificing, tenderness, generosity,

compassionate, thoughtful, forgiving, loving, humbleness, considering other

people better than ourselves.   Our world is infected with Satan’s spirit.  He

preys on our emotions because we are emotional.  We need to diligently

study the BIBLE and absorb the lessons from it in our hearts.  Jesus is the image

of the God.  (Colossians 1:5).  The Son is the image of the invisible God, the first

born over all creation.  Do our feet fit into footprints of Jesus Christ?  We are in school

every day to reach statuses of Jesus Christ.  After we’ve performed actions, whose footprints

will our feet be able to fit.  (1 Peter 1:15-16)  But just as he, who called you is holy, so be

holy in all you do.  For it is written, “Be holy because I am holy.”

     My life is hidden in Christ Jesus.  I remove myself to see you.  So powerful accomplishments

I’ve accomplished, I’ve accomplished through Jesus Christ.  We must walk in Christ’ footsteps

every day.  “GLOW” radiates through me.  God’s Labor Of Wisdom.  At work a lady fell in a

theater and a manager came out in the hall where I was sitting in my wheelchair.  He told

me what happened.  Without any thought I said, “Here take my wheelchair.”  Surprised he

asked, ”What about you baby?  I responded, “I’ll be okay.  God gave me the ability to walk

and the heart to give away when there’s a need.”  My co-workers asked me, “Why did you give

your wheelchair away?  I asked, “Why wouldn’t I give it away?”  She needed it more

than I did.  I definitely thought of other people better than myself.  (Philippians 2:3)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility, value others above

yourselves, not looking to your own interests.  But each of you to the interests of the others.

To leave footprints of Jesus reveals how we vision him.  What actions are in his character?

At the end of our lives, the most powerful and beautiful things we could leave the world

are footprints of Jesus.

                                                            Ki Radiance

                                                            Wednesday December 3, 2014

                                                             8:52 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


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