Thursday, May 16, 2019



                            Written By Ki Radiance


                       "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                 (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     To air is human.  To forgive is Devine.  We act and react on our emotions.  At

                            Written By Ki Radiance


                       "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                 (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     To air is human.  To forgive is Devine.  We act and react on our emotions.  At

the drop of a hat we get angry and hate each other.  Then some people take revenge

out on other people.  They must understand and accept in their hearts.  To air is human.

To forgive is divine.  (Acts 17:11)  Now the Berean Jews were of p,m,mmore Nobel character

than those in Thessalonica for they received the message with great eagerness and

examined the scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true.  Devine is somethingT

above this earth.  We want to reach the divine status.  But we must relinquish our emotions

and make them obedient to God.  We must think on higher plateaus.  Move out of the, "Air"

stages into the, "Devine" stages of life which will encourage us to forgive.

                                                     Ki Radiance
                                                     Sunday March 12, 2017
                                                      5:02 p.m. c-Copyright-All Rights Reserved
the drop of a hat we get angry and hate each other.  Then some people take revenge

out on other people.  They must understand and accept in their hearts.  To air is human.

To forgive is divine.  (Acts 17:11)  Now the Berean Jews were of p,m,mmore Nobel character

than those in Thessalonica for they received the message with great eagerness and

examined the scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true.  Devine is something

above this earth.  We want to reach the divine status.  But we must relinquish our emotions

and make them obedient to God.  We must think on higher plateaus.  Move out of the, "Air"

stages into the, "Devine" stages of life which will encourage us to forgive.

                                                     Ki Radiance
                                                     Sunday March 12, 2017
                                                      5:02 p.m. c-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

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