Thursday, May 9, 2019


                                   Write To.Read

                                Written By Ki Radiance


                           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                       (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     We all have reasons forgoing things.  Some people paint to relax.

Some people listen to music for enjoyment.  Some people exercise to

stay healthy.  But in my opinion, I write to do the best thing, read the

(BIBLE) "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  We won't be judged

in this side of life, it's just a school for the spirit.  That's the reason why

I write.  To read the bible for preparation for Christ' return, because no

one knows when that will be but God.   God is mysterious to make us

curious to find him.  God says, "He who finds me loves life."  That's

why I write, to read the bible.  God blessed me with a talent I love doing,

(writing) to find him.

     My literature can backed up with scripture because God's word is

written on my heart.  He is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days

a week.  This is one thing I'm proud of that I do, and even more honored

 God blessed he gave me to do: write to read the bible to find him.

                                  K Radiance

                                 Tuesday April 9, 2019

                                 2:51 a.m.  c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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