Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Villages: Let Us Be

                                The Villages: Let Us Be

                                  Written By K Radiance


                             "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)j

     United we stand.  Divided we fall.  Right now we're divided on every

side, to no end.  There are cases of racism that are occurring .  Being the

village requires being patient.  Let us be.  Being the village requires being

humble.  Let's urns be.  Being the village demands us to work as a team. Let

us stand as one.  Together Establishing Awesome  Measures.  Let us live

up to that acronym.  There are villages extending helping hands one to

another.  Let us be those villages.  There are villages of children needing

foster parents. Let us be those villages.  There are villages of harmony

with gaps that needs to be filled.  Let us be.  With all these villages  we're

aiming to be, we need to imitate Jesus Christ, then we will be the villages.

                                  Ki Radiance
                                  Tuesday April 16, 2019
                                   3:26 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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