Friday, March 20, 2020

The Greatest Reproduction: Reproducing Christ In Our Lives

                           The Greatest Reproduction,

                           Reproducing Jesus Christ 

                                        In Our Lives 

                                “Written By Ki Radiance”

                          “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

   This should excite us more than anything in the world.

God reproducing himself in the human race.  We fall short

of the glory of God.  (1 Peter 1:18). Receiving the end of 
your faith, even the salvation of your souls.  This world is 

a school for the spirit.  But what’s being learned isn’t too
much.  Lessons are being taught, but what’s being learned?

Nothing.  That’s why we experience the same things over and

over again.  God has taken his hands off of this world.  He’s

left us to our own devices.  But we should know there one

greater than God.  

     Every knee shall bow.  Every tongue will confess Jesus 

is Lord.  (Romans 14:11). For it is written, “As I live, saith

the Lord, every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess,

“Jesus is Lord.”  God is reproducing himself in me.  He 

gives this knowledge to us bit by bit.  Reproductions aim

to reproduce itself.  This is God’s ambition everyday he 

blesses us with seeing.  Jesus Christ is the greatest 

reproduction of God Almighty’s.  Let’s persist everyday 

to be the greatest reproduction of Jesus Christ.

                Ki Radiance

                Wednesday August 22, 2000

                 11:17 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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