Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We Rise Together

                 We Rise Together 

             Written By Ki Radiance
                       “Sunshine' DEEP, SMILE”
                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                     Simple Motion Love Eternally)
    Next to I love you, we rise together are powerful words ever
spoken and heard.  They also place us in the highest places
the most powerful position we could stand in, together.   Together 
we stand.  Divided we fall.  This statement has been heard for many
years.   How long will together we stand has to be heard before we give 
action to live in togetherness?  We rise together must direct our 
relationships hearts.  That fact must also direct our hearts because 
 our actions come from.  We rise together.  To people who are 
jealous of others, what I say to them is,  “We rise together.”  To those 
who steal, they desperately need to know, we rise together.   To
understand, we rise together..   can touch on the whole, because. that’s 
where this urgent message is directed to: we rise together.
                               Ki Radiance
                     Tuesday June 6, 2020
             11: 00  a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

                Peace/ Understanding 

                  Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine,  DEEP, & SMILE “

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Peace is a powerful force that should be 

walked in. We must hunger for peace to perform 

actions of peace.  This division must bring tears to 

our eyes.  It may have been in the past, but,

remember, it only carries over to the future, if we 

make them carry over to the present and the future.   

Actions speak louder saying with our actions.?  We must

remember and understanding what we’re currently saying 

with the actions we perform.

Understand what division and confusion is, which is what 

we currently live in.  Peace is a powerful force that should

 be walking in. The 

This is serious to me, which brings tears to my eyes.

I cry because I know we’ve lived in this detrimental state

before, and it’s shameful we haven’t learned and 

progressed from this.  


     As soon as our eyes and heats open up and understand 

why we need peace, we can walk in it together.  Open our 

eyes and see our desperations for it.
                Ki Radiance

Friday June 6, 2020

7:26 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Enough: Have We Had It Yet?


            Have We Had It Yet?

     There are realities that are existing today

that are very harmful.  They’ve existed free 

the beginning of time to this day.  Some people 

raped.other people in the past, which placed 

them in jail, prison, house arrest, and other

 places of isolation.  They’re still performing 

actions as stealing, question is, have they had

enough resulted of those results? 

   Conditions that still exists identifies us as being 

lazy. Lazy in regards of us not making efforts in there

being change.  We will only see change if we be change.

So it all starts with us.   Racism still exists.  We don’t 

see change because we haven’t changed.  I say, “We”

 because we are the world.  It takes more than one person 
to change to see change, because more than one person 

created what we persist to change.  Actions like spousal

abuse, child abuse, kidnapping, molestation, car jacking,

raping, harassment, neglect, racism, and other actions as

such.  So I say this again, in conclusion, if we want change 

in the world, we must be to see.  Actions like spousal abuse,

child abuse, killing, carjacking, raping, molestation, sexual 

harassment, discrimination, and other actions and emotions 

as such.  

           Ki Radiance

           Thursday June 11, 2020 

             1:10 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved


Tuesday, June 9, 2020


                  Written By Ki Radiance


              “Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE”

             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

This is the most valuable talent I have.  I write.  There’s

a reason why God’s blessed me with a talent in writing:

to dig into the (BIBLE) which releases, “Basic Instructions

Before Leaving Earth.  God really wants me to find him,

because my literature can be backed up with scripture

 because God’s word is written on my heart.  I only

write about God because he’s the only thing worth

writing about..  My literature can be backed up with

scriptures, because God’s Word is written on my heart.

     My literature touches on everything around the world,

which takes me all through God’s word.  God says in his

word, “He who finds me loves his own soul.  (Proverbs 49:

4).  The talent in writing is the best talent God could bless

me with.  Because it gives me desires to dig  into God’s word.

I didn’t like reading before I knew God and the blessings he

will bless me with from acquiring knowledge of him.  God

wants me to find him because he blessed me with a  heart

that seeks for him.   He tells me to: seek and ye shall find,

knock and the door will be opened to you.  (Matthew 7:7)

I dig into the Bible everyday because I write everyday.  This

is a confirmation I will find him.  I feel so privileged he chose

me worthy of finding him.  So this is why I write, to dig int

God’s word.

               Ki Radiance
               Sunday May 31, 2020
               4:51, p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 4, 2020

It’s Later Than We Think

                  It’s Later Than We lThink

                   Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Tomorrow’s not promised to no one.  It’s later than we think.

We should live each day as they’re our last.  Everyday we must grow 

more intense in our knowledge of God, because It’s later than we think.

No one can win a race with God.  No one knows the day, the minute,

 the hour, or the second of Christ’ return.  He doesn’t even know.  Only 

God knows.  It’ s later than we think.  God can send Christ back at any

time.  I will repeat this powerful statement as many times it takes for us 

to accept in our hearts that it’s later than we think.  We must believe in

God because it’s later than we think.  We must know his word is powerful 

and effective,, is sharper than any double-edged sword.  Is useful for teaching,

correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness.
    It’s later than we think.  We better get our house in order, because it’s 

later than we think.  With actions we perform, remember, it’s later than we

 think. Words we speak,, remember, .it’s later than we think.  To people who

rape other people, they must understand,  it’s later than we think.  To people

who abuse people, they have to understand they’ve robbed society of their presence. It’s

Just remember, it’s later than we think.

                   Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Tomorrow’s not promised to no one.  It’s later than we think.

We should live each day as they’re our last.  Everyday we must grow 

more intense in our knowledge of God, because It’s later than we think.

No one can win a race with God.  No one knows the day, the minute,

 the hour, or the second of Christ’ return.  He doesn’t even know.  Only 

God knows.  It’ s later than we think.  God can send Christ back at any

time.  I will repeat this powerful statement as many times it takes for us 

to accept in our hearts that it’s later than we think.  We must believe in

God because it’s later than we think.  We must know his word is powerful 

and effective,, is sharper than any double-edged sword.  Is useful for teaching,

correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness.
    It’s later than we think.  We better get our house in order, because it’s 

later than we think.  With actions we perform, remember, it’s later than we

 think. Words we speak,, remember, .it’s later than we think.  To people who

rape other people, they must understand,  it’s later than we think.  To people

who abuse people, they have to understand they’ve robbed society of their

presence". What they could have become.  It’s later than we think.  Knowing

this fact of life, what are we doing with the earlier, (so to speak) time we live

in now?  Just remember, it’s later than we think.

                           Ki Radiance
                           Thursday June 6, 2020
2:59 p.m  c Copyright- All Rights Reserved