Thursday, June 4, 2020

It’s Later Than We Think

                  It’s Later Than We lThink

                   Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Tomorrow’s not promised to no one.  It’s later than we think.

We should live each day as they’re our last.  Everyday we must grow 

more intense in our knowledge of God, because It’s later than we think.

No one can win a race with God.  No one knows the day, the minute,

 the hour, or the second of Christ’ return.  He doesn’t even know.  Only 

God knows.  It’ s later than we think.  God can send Christ back at any

time.  I will repeat this powerful statement as many times it takes for us 

to accept in our hearts that it’s later than we think.  We must believe in

God because it’s later than we think.  We must know his word is powerful 

and effective,, is sharper than any double-edged sword.  Is useful for teaching,

correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness.
    It’s later than we think.  We better get our house in order, because it’s 

later than we think.  With actions we perform, remember, it’s later than we

 think. Words we speak,, remember, .it’s later than we think.  To people who

rape other people, they must understand,  it’s later than we think.  To people

who abuse people, they have to understand they’ve robbed society of their presence. It’s

Just remember, it’s later than we think.

                   Written By Ki Radiance


                “Sunshine, DEEP,  SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Tomorrow’s not promised to no one.  It’s later than we think.

We should live each day as they’re our last.  Everyday we must grow 

more intense in our knowledge of God, because It’s later than we think.

No one can win a race with God.  No one knows the day, the minute,

 the hour, or the second of Christ’ return.  He doesn’t even know.  Only 

God knows.  It’ s later than we think.  God can send Christ back at any

time.  I will repeat this powerful statement as many times it takes for us 

to accept in our hearts that it’s later than we think.  We must believe in

God because it’s later than we think.  We must know his word is powerful 

and effective,, is sharper than any double-edged sword.  Is useful for teaching,

correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness.
    It’s later than we think.  We better get our house in order, because it’s 

later than we think.  With actions we perform, remember, it’s later than we

 think. Words we speak,, remember, .it’s later than we think.  To people who

rape other people, they must understand,  it’s later than we think.  To people

who abuse people, they have to understand they’ve robbed society of their

presence". What they could have become.  It’s later than we think.  Knowing

this fact of life, what are we doing with the earlier, (so to speak) time we live

in now?  Just remember, it’s later than we think.

                           Ki Radiance
                           Thursday June 6, 2020
2:59 p.m  c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


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