Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We Rise Together

                 We Rise Together 

             Written By Ki Radiance
                       “Sunshine' DEEP, SMILE”
                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                     Simple Motion Love Eternally)
    Next to I love you, we rise together are powerful words ever
spoken and heard.  They also place us in the highest places
the most powerful position we could stand in, together.   Together 
we stand.  Divided we fall.  This statement has been heard for many
years.   How long will together we stand has to be heard before we give 
action to live in togetherness?  We rise together must direct our 
relationships hearts.  That fact must also direct our hearts because 
 our actions come from.  We rise together.  To people who are 
jealous of others, what I say to them is,  “We rise together.”  To those 
who steal, they desperately need to know, we rise together.   To
understand, we rise together..   can touch on the whole, because. that’s 
where this urgent message is directed to: we rise together.
                               Ki Radiance
                     Tuesday June 6, 2020
             11: 00  a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

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