Thursday, January 27, 2022

Change Be To See

                            Change: Be To See

                      Written By Ki Radiance 


               “Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE “

             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Many people want to see change in the world.  But to see change, we

have to be the change.  Jealousy has existed since the beginning of time

with Cain and Abel.  That destructive emotion still exists today, creating 

divisions among us all.  Jealousy is desiring what other people owns.  Ends

of that emotion holds no empowering result in its midst.  This statement is

most empowering, because its results can hold elevated conclusions in it’s

midst.  We must be the change in order to see change.  Actions speak louder 

than words.  Change in our actions and words is a start.  Change is what we

all want to see in our lives.  But remember this crucial existence:  we have to

walk in what we want to see: Change.  Let our hearts produce realities of that.

We have to be the change to see change.

                  Ki Radiance

                  Sunday February 16, 2020

                  5:36 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

                                Diversity-  Strength:

                               Unity-  Power

                          Written By Ki Radiance


                   ”Sunshine,, DEEP,  & SMILE"

                (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

Our diversity is our strength.  Unity is our power.  What does

these two facts mean to us?  We desperately need to grow 

in our searchings for the truth.  The truth is God.  (John  17:17)

 We must develop relationships with him by reading the (BIBLE) releasing,

"Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  We must develop

relationships with him by reading the bible everyday' because'

"The word of God is new every morning.”  (Lamentations 3:23)

Daily we must communicate with him by reading the bible, which

 is how God communicates with us.  We must accept the diversities ,

differences between among ourselves.  This is a serious triumph we must constantly

make everyday, because Satan prowls around like a lion, looking

for someone to devour.

     Diversity is our strength.  Unity is our power.  How close are

we in producing strength in our lives.  Diversity is our power.  

Unity is our power.  How close are we in producing strength

in our lives?  Diversity is our strength.  Unity is our power.

How attractive is having power and strength in our lives?

Well, actions speak louder than words.  How close are

we in producing strength in our lives?  Diversity is our

strength.  Unity is our power.  How attractive is having

power and strength in our lives.  Well, actions speak

louder than words.  Right now our world stands in

confusion and self hatred because we don't abide by

the Ten Commandments.  Diversity is our strength.

Unity is our power,  It's our decision which we 

want in our lives.  We made the decision.  Good..

That we can deal with what returns to us.  Make

sure we can by understanding diversity is our strength.

Unity is our power.

                 Ki Radiance

                 Thursday July 25, 2019

                 2:03 a.m. c Copyright -All Rights Reserved

Enough: Obedience Shows We’ve Had


          Obedience Shows We’ve Had

               Written By Ki Radiiance


      “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

      Every action we perform has reactions.  No one goes 

unscathed from this reality.  There are two kinds of opposing 

actions we perform.everyday.: Obedience and disobedience.

Obedience is following orders, which our protection.  Depending

on who we follow.  TO (  FOLLOW). Is to, Fully Obey Laws Loyal

Of Wisdom.  God is good.  God is light.  There’s no darkness in

Him.  (1John 1:5). This then is the message which we have heard

in him, and declare unto you shall God is light, and in hm there

is no darkness at all.  People who stop having pre-marital sex

have had enough of results that comes from that action.  

     People who stop lying are sick or getting entangled in their

lies, because the truth will always be revealed.  The truth will 

come to light.  People who stop raping people, kidnapping,

sexually abusing people, stop performing those actions because 

they know they’re wrong.  We reap what we sow..  Knowing 

this, that changes direction in our lives.  Actions speak louder than 

words.  Knowing this for a fact,  our actions must show we’ve


had enough. I  


                                Ki Radiance  

                                Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Upside Down: The World Will Be Turned

                                              Upside .Down:

                                       The World Will Be Turned 

                                            Written By Ki Radiance


                                “Sunshine,, DEEP, & SMILE”


                        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                         Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is the position I’m determined to leave the world in:

after my literature is absorbed in it’s stomach.  It will be 

turned upside down because I’m birthing God’s word into

the world’s heart.  God’s word is powerful and effective,

is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training 

in righteousness.  So that the servant of God may be thoroughly 

equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:1 6-17).  My literature

 can be backed up with scriptures, because God’s word is written 

on my heart.  (Proverbs 3:3). Let not steadfast love and

faithfulness forsake you, bind them around your neck.  Write

them on the tablets of your heart.  I write everyday and 

night.  That’s how much God and I communicate, and I’m

a new person because we do.  

P.S.     I’m determined to turn the world upside down.  The word 

of’God is more powerful than this world, and is what I’m determined 

to and will turn it upside down with. 

         Ki Radiance

Tuesday January 18, 2022

       9:0&  p..m.c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 










                  Lorem Ipsum

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

At The Foot Of The Cross

                   At The Foot Of The Cross

                    Written By Ki Radiance


             “Sunshine, DEEP,,& SMILE”

          (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,



         Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     How many problems are left here?  At the foot of

the cross.  By leaving our problems and concerns there

We’re acknowledging how powerful and loving our God 

is.  He is the Alpha and the.Omega, the beginning and the end.

We face difficulties everyday as individual tests.  Tests seeing

if we’ll leave problems and concerns at the foot of the cross.

When some people show independence, aim to solve problems 

themselves, they’re showing their lack of faith and trust in God.

Showing their ignorance of his power.  He is all powerful.  Almighty.

All knowing.  At the foot of the cross, revenge we may feel against

other people should be left there.  There we can find peace for our

souls.  All stress should be left at the foot of the cross.  Most people 

shy away from the presence of feet, thinking they are disgusting and

dirty.  But there’s one pair of feet that aren’t disgusting or dirty, and these 

feet belong to Jesus Christ.  Because no lies were found in his mouth.

No devious ambitions in his heart.  He had much concern for other people.

He gave to other people without expecting anything in return.  Knowing the 

resume of Jesus Christ, who better to leave them with than him?  We rise

and fall considering if we’ve done one thing, if we’ve left our problems and

concerns at the foot of the cross.  

  2 Samuel 22:3

My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.  My shield and the horn of

my salvation.  He is my stronghold.  My refuge.  My savior from violent

men you save me.

     Matthew 15:30

And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were

lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at

Jesus’ feet, and he healed them. 

                             Ki Radiance

                             Monday March 2, 2009

                             9:55 a.m. c Copyright -All Rights Reserved 

Shake The Dust


            Shake The Dust

           Written By Ki Radiance 


       “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


    Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

With every action we perform, releases dust from our exhaustion.

Our actions are known as dust, because they don’t come from God.

God is love, compassionate, gracious, holy, good, and love.  We fall 

short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23). We should shake the dust 

off our feet, because Jesus makes our sins as white as snow.  (Isaiah 

1:18). Come now, and let us reason together, though your sins be as 

scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, 

they shall be as wool.  When we worry, we should shake the dust

off our feet.  Give our worries to God, because he cares for you.  (1 Peter:

5:7).  People stare at me because I constantly shake, but I’m showing my 

faith in God because , I shake the dust off my feet. I 

           Ki Radiance

           Monday May 5, 2020

           2:34 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Messenger: My True Identity


             My True Identity 

            Written By K Radiance 


     “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,




    Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

When we touch and agree, strength is developed.  I’m

a writer who insists to be strengthened every time I 

write, because God inspires his messages in my

heart to deliver to the world. Some people always

asks me, “Why do I smile all the time?  I confidently 

say, “Because God hasn’t given me anything to frown 

He’s on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  

Scriptures appear in my literature because God’s word is 

written on my heart.   He’s on my mind twenty four hours, 

seven days a week.

Scriptures appear in my literature because God’s word 

is written on my heart.   (1 Corinthians 1:31) In order

that, as it is written: he that gloriieth, let him glory 

in the Lord.

   I am God’s messenger.  I glorify God with my

talent in writing.  (James 1:17). Every good and

perfect gift is from above, coming down to us

from God our Father of the heavenly lights.

With whom there is no variation or shadow

of shifting lights.  From when I became God’s 

messenger, my spirit has been growing stronger.

The world grows stronger too, because good 

news is hard to keep to yourself.  These messages 

are from God and I deliver them to the world.

This is what identifies me as God’s messenger,

my true Identity.

           Ki Radiance

           Monday January 10, 2022

          10:03 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

To Remain Dependent


                  What Doesn’t Break You,

                           Makes You

                Written By Ki Radiance


               “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                      To Remain Dependent 

                     Written By Ki Radiance


              “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     God has taken his hands off of this world because of the sin of Adam 

and Eve, eating a apple from the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden.  God

is jealous, and we are not to put no one before him.   We face hard times to

remain dependent on him.  We ask this question everyday, “Why do we

have to experience hard times?  We have to experience them to remain

dependent on God.  God isn’t a part of the problem, but part of the recovery.

These three words are true:  To Remain Dependent.  This is part of who God 

is:  the Most High.  (Revelations 1:8). I am the Alpha and the Omega.  The 

beginning and the end says the Lord God Almighty.  I am the one who is,

who always was, and who is to come.”  Everyday has its trials and tribulations,

but they also have their triumphs and truth.

    We must remain dependent on God because he has our best interests at

heart.  This is because he loves us unconditionally.  Life proceeds as it does,

so we will remain dependent.  God wants us to talk to him, for us to hold him 

high above everything.  That’s why tragedies happen, for us to remain dependent

on God.                                    Ki Radiance

                                   Tuesday March 24, 2020

                                   7:21 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

   This story continues to be an inspiration of my literature, because 

 it holds and esteems power in its message of tenacity.  The story of 

when I was hit by a car when I was seven years old made me into

a determined young woman.  Doctors said I would die, but if I did 

wake up, I would be a vegetable the rest of my life.  I’d have to live 

on a respirator also.  I feel the accident played an amazing part in

my development.  Developed me into a determined young woman.  

Daily I amazed the doctors, where the true amazement came from 

God.  My vitals didn’t improve until that glorious day when God woke 

me up.  First words I said we’re, “What am I doing with these diapers on?  

They literally had  to tie me to the bed because I was wrestling with nurses

 to get up.

     Doctors gave poor reports of me successfully advancing in my 

education.  They said it was senseless for me to continue my 

education because I was brain damaged.  But I’ve exceeded my 

education from the second grade to two an a half years of college.

     I wrote a book and am working on my second book.  I began writing 

in the eighth grade and I’m forty eight years old now.  I’m a positive person.

Not wanting people to feel sorry for me, esteems greatness within myself.  


  I want to change the world with my literature.  This may seem impossible,

but Jesus said, “All things are possible for those who believe.  (Mark 9:23). 

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who

believe.”  From everything I’ve been through in my life, and will go

through hasn’t and will not break me, because my faith in God

continues to elevate.  It will continue to elevate because faith

pleases God.  (Hebrews 11:6)  And without faith it is impossible 

to please God.  These trials and tribulations don’t break me,

they make me more dependent on God.  (Psalm 62:5-12)

Yes, my soul find rest in God: my hope comes from him.  Truly

he is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be 

shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God.” He

is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, you

people, pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

      Surely the lowborn are but a breath, the highborn and emotions are,

but a lie.  If weighed on a balance" they are nothing: but 

they are only a breath.  Do not trust in extortion or put vain

 increase, do not set your heart on them.  One thing God 

has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God, and with 

you Lord, there is unfailing love”, and You reward everyone,

according to what they have done.  P.S.  Since this is a

firm foundation I stand on, just remember, what doesn’t 

break you, makes you. 

          Ki Radiance

          Sunday October 31, 2021

          9:00 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved