Tuesday, December 13, 2022

About Face

             About Face

           Written By Ki Radiance


       “Sunshine, DEEP,  and SMILE “

      (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is one thing life’s all about, what we face. For me,

responses are my motivation.  Experience is the best teacher,

so we must be careful with the actions we perform. Life would 

be easy if reactions were known before actions were performed.

But that’s not the case, because life is a school for the spirit.  

What we face is like rewards or diplomas for our actions.  When

we hear, screamed, “About Face,”, we must pay close attention to 

what’s demanding our attention.  Every action we perform has

reactions we have to face.  They hold one question that comes 

along with it, “What is that action about? When we first meet

a person, the first thing we’re attracted to is their face.  But we

must know their characters to know what they’re about.  When

we know that, we know what we’ll face.

             Ki Radiance

             Tuesday December 13, 2023

             7:38 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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