Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Part Of The Recovery

                       Part of the Recovery 

                 Written By Ki Radiance



               “Sunshine, DEEP,, & SMILE”

          (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                            ,        &

          Simple Motion In Love Eternally))

     This is one of God’s characteristics:, “Part Of The Recovery”

Some people ask. , “Why would God make these bad things

happen?  First of all, God is good, there’s nothing bad in him.

He’s taken his hands off of the world in the garden of Eden,

because of the sin of Adam and Eve, eating the apple from 

the forbidden tree.  We’re continuing to proceed in that 

direction of disobeying God.  Everything that happens 

down here on earth is because of our own doing.  Some 

people ask, “Why does God put hatred in people’s hearts?  

Again, God is love and he wouldn’t take part in things that 

are opposing to his characteristics.  When some people 

blame negative things on God, that shows their knowledge 

of who God is.  We need to hold tightly to this knowledge, 

because Satan can snatch it away. (Matthew 13:19)  When

anyone hears the message about the kingdom, and does 

not understand it, the evil one came and snatches it away.

     What was sown in their heart, this is the seed sown 

along the path.  Our actions sadly continues to demise 

our world everyday.  We fall short of the glory of God.  

(Romans 3:23). When we recover from the sicknesses

we place on ourselves in, God has a big part in

the recovery.

  Ki Radiance

 Tuesday December 6, 2022Part

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