Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Don't Communicate Because We Don't Relate


         Don’t Communicate 

             . Because 

 .       We Don’t Relate     

    Written By KiRadiance


   “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,



    Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     With many people in my family I don’t have close 

relationships with.  When we do speak, it’s very quick 

and few words spoken.  At the end of the conversations

they say, “I’ll call you back.”  They never communicate with 

me until something serious happens.  My dad and I communicate 

on a daily basis.  The wisdom I have mostly comes from

him, which I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. His wisdom

comes from God above.  I’m a writer who receives most

wisdom from him. Dad and I constantly communicate, because 

we relate with God above.  The strongest bond there is that

can never be broken.  We see the beauty that’s in our individual 


relationships with God.  When we come back together, we share

the bonds we’ve received from God.   I feed him food I receive 

from God Almighty through my literature.  I know my dad is proud

of my growth in God.  We may be miles apart, we still communicate 

that’s because through God, we do relate.

            Ki Radiance

            Monday August 11, 2024

          8:10 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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