Thursday, September 26, 2024

Prayers Up, Blessings Down

            Prayers Up:

           Blessings Down 

   God loves when we pray, because when we pray' we’re 

communicating with him.  God tells us, “Ask, and ye shall


receive.”  (Matthew7:7). We’re left to our own devices 

because Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the apple 

from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden.  God wants 

us to communicate with him everyday.  That’s why he’s

allowed situations where we-need to pray.  (Mathew 7:7). 

When prayers go up,, blessings come down.  Knowing this, 

every word we speak must be a prayer.  When prayers go up, 

blessings come down.  When I was in the eighth grade 

 I wanted to be a writer to change the world before I left

 it.  My literature is my conversations with God.  My literature

 is deep because that’s the depth I search for God.  Scriptures

 appear in my literature because God’s word is written on my

 heart.  (2 Corinthians 3:2). Ye are our epistle written our 

hearts, know and read of all men.  I blog my literature, getting 

God’s word out to the world.  I pray many hearts are impacted

 by each piece I write.

   Prayers continue to go up, because we don’t know how to

 live.  People ask me, How do I write literature that’s so

impacting?  I respond, I didn’t write it,  God wrote it.  I’m the

 instrument he uses for the deliverances.  The strongest 

 things to go up are prayers.  The greatest things to come 

down are blessings.   

(Matthew 7:7).  Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye

shall find,, knock and the door shall be opened unto you. 

    Shakira Jones


    Monday July 15, 2024

    3:34 p.m. c Copyright-;All Rights Reserved 

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