Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thriving Not Just Surviving

            Thriving Not Just Surviving 

             Written By Ki Radiance


            “Sunshine,, DEEP, & .SMILE “

        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

I thrive in everything I do.  I want more out of life.  When I was seven years old, I was 

hit by a car.  I was in a coma for three months.  When God woke me up, first words I said were,

“What am I doing with these diapers on?  I crawled on my hands and knees to transport 

me from place to place., because I thrive not to just survive. Doctors told my family I wouldn’t

be able to return to school, because I was brain damaged.   I returned to school extended my 

education from the second grade to two and a half years of college.  I graduated second


 highest in my class from high school.  I’m a writer who has appeared on television and has 

read literature on the radio and in restaurants.  My literature has been published in the 

newspaper.   I wrote a book.  I’m a writer who’s determined to change the world before I leave 

it.  I thrive to be a motivational speaker.  My caseworker said  I am one from the abilities I show 

I show I have.  ’m walking.  I’m doing things people said I wouldn’t be able to do.  I thrive to

 inspire people’s hearts with my literature.  I thrive to be a mirror to the world, so we can see 

reflections of ourselves.  I’m determined to leave the world better than when I came.

         P.S.  I’m determined to exceed far above this world, thats  why I thrive,, don’t just survive.

                                 Ki Radiance

                                Wednesday August 20, 2024

                                 5:00 p.m. c Copyright- Alll Rights Reserved 


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