Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Prayers Without Works Is Dead

     Our prayers are questions.  Our works are answers.  It's crucial to have both powers working together towards the same goal, because prayers without works is dead.  Together they are a TEAM, Together
Establishing Awesome Measures.  Prayers are our requests we place before God.  I love writing.  This
affection began in the eighth grade and continues to this day.  I've written different pieces of literature
everyday and night that are evidence of my many prayers to God I've delivered to him.  I've even
written a book and gotten it published.  It has implanted much inspiration in many people's hearts.
These victories are evidence of my many prayers to God, accompanied with actions to deliver the
answered prayers to me.  I read God's word because his word is powerful and effective, is useful
for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteous.  (2 Timothy 3:16).  Prayers without works
is dead.  What, if anything, does this fact do to our morale?  We must walk in faith and believe God
is faithful in his promises.  Since faith without works is dead, works without faith is dead also.  So
faith is the seed that is the effective force that moves our prayers towards giving us the desires of
our hearts.  If we want our prayers to be alive, we must get to work!!!

                                                    Ki Radiance
                                                    Wednesday March 14, 2012
                                                     4:15 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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