Saturday, April 28, 2012

I Write To Feed The World

     We need reasons for doing things.  Some people go to school to get hired at particular jobs.  Some

people act friendly to gain friends.  Some students study hard to graduate from school.  Some people

exercise to get healthier.  I,  too have a reason why I write.  To feed the world.  Writing is a way God

speaks to me.  People  who read my literature ask me, "How do you think of literature that is so deep?"

"First, I say, I intently listen to God.  He speaks to my heart and places his spirit in my heart, which equips

me with the powerful messages to deliver to people's hearts.  I write about conditions of the world in

ambitions to feed it.  I aim to be a mirror to the world with my literature, so we will be able to see where we

need to improve.  Everyday the world screams, "Feed me", and that's what I do with my talent in writing.

All conditions of the world are dissected in my literature to feed the world knowledge of why it stands as it

stands as it does.  Because we live in ways opposed of the ways of Christ, who is  the image of God.

     The world is continuously crying out, "Feed me."  I'm constantly implanting knowledge of God  and ways

to live, which can be discovered in the BIBLE, which provides, (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth).

Demonstrated by Jesus Christ.  By me constantly doing this everyday, the world's cries for food will cease,

because it will be fed.

                                           Ki Radiance
                                           Saturday April 28, 2012
                                           8:48 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm Remembered Because Of My Reflections

I’m Remembered Because
                                                      Of My Reflections

                                              Written By Ki Radiance
                                              “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”
                                         (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                                           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Everywhere I go I’m remembered by many people because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.  God blessed me with employment at AMC

Star Theaters, just what I prayed for.  To be employed at a job where

I can serve people, express the love of Christ with them.  One day at

work a lady fell in one of the theaters, and a manager came out in the

hall where I sat taking tickets.  At the opportune time he said, “Yeah,

a lady fell in a theater.  Knowing we didn’t have any wheelchairs

because some people stole ours, I said, “Here take my wheelchair.”

He surprisingly asked, “What about you baby?”   I confidently

replied, “I’ll be okay, God gave me the ability to walk and the

heart to give away when there’s a need.”  He replied, “Oh bless

your heart Shakira.”

     I extended my wheelchair again where I worked from kneeling

on the floor.  Some of my co-workers asked me, “Why would you

give your wheelchair away?  I asked, “Why wouldn’t I give it away?

They needed it more than I do.  I have the ability to walk, they don’t.”

That truly is a reflection of Jesus Christ.  Thinking of other people’s

needs above my own.  That’s a reflection of Jesus Christ who is the

image of God.  Everywhere I go I’m remembered because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.  Some people have told me I have a

glow about myself, which I interpret as God’s Labor Of Wisdom.

I’m persisting daily to continue releasing reflections of Jesus Christ

from my heart, because there’s no one greater to be remembered as

than Jesus Christ, who is the image of God.  So this is the best

compliment I could ever receive: I’m remembered because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Monday March 12, 2012
                               10:30 p.m. ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reservved

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The World's Callouses

     Everyday we're not only witnesses of these disastrous  actions and emotions, but we're also victims of them,

not to mention participants of them.  There are callouses of beatings that are painful to experience and witness,

but they're also painful to our world.  Callouses will continue to develop daily in our world because we don't

know how to live.  God removed himself from connections with human beings because we live in darkness,

and he can't be around darkness.  Human beings don't like being told what to do, but we don't know how

to live.  Reality is evidence of that fact.  Some people act in ways of demolishing callouses inflicted on the

world.  Some people work as a TEAM, (Together Establishing Awesome Measures).  With Cain & Abel

jealousy began, and  is  still damaging many people's hearts and emotions today.  Callouses can harden the

softest of hearts.  We have callouses of revenge circling our world, when God says, "Vengeance is mine."

(Jeremiah 51:6)  Flee from Babylon, run for your lives, do not be destroyed because of her sins.  It is time for

the Lord's vengeance.  He will repay her what she deserves.

     We give birth to callouses everyday, because I can't state this fact enough, "We don't know how to live.

Judgment will come after the next life ends, because how can we be judged on things we don't know?  God

is love.  God is patient.  God is forgiving.  He is also fair.  That's why we pray, "Thy kingdom come.  Thy

will be done on earth as it is in heaven.   Then and only then will the world's callouses be removed, because

God will be in our presence.  And all I can say is: Amen.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Sunday April 22, 2012
                               9:37 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Producer Of Christ's Character

     Every one of us is a producer.  A producer of happiness.  A producer of sadness .  A producer of tenacity.

Producer of love.  Produce of hate.  Producer of jealousy.  Producer of contentment, and so on.  But there is

one producer us human beings should desire to be a producer of, Christ's character.  We discover what

Christ's character is by reading the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).   Reading it should be

apart of our daily regiments, because Christ is our example of how to live, example of how to love.  We reap

what we sew, indicating we should be careful with the actions we perform, and words we speak.  By

becoming a producer of Christ's character, we'd be set apart from this world, but no one should want to be

a part of this world.

     If the world hates us for living opposed to the ways it lives, we should remember it hated Jesus first.  If

some people harass us for being sensitive, we should take pride in that standing because Christ was sensitive

to other people's needs and desires.  He was forgiving when people sinned.  He petitioned with God, saying,

"Forgive the Father, they know not what they do."  In Christ our sins are vas white as snow.  We need to

watch our lives and doctrines closely, (1 Timothy 4:16).  Watch your life and doctrine closely, persevere in

them, because if you do, you will save yourself and your hearers.  We must think of other people before

ourselves.  We must give freely of ourselves.  We must give without expecting anything in return.  We have

to know Christ's character to be producers of his.  We need to have personal relationships with Christ to be

producers of his character, because that's what we'll be judged on.  He is our example.  So this is the one

thing we should aim to be and hold: producers of Christ's character.

                                      Ki Radiance
                                      Monday April 16, 2012
                                      11:03 p.m ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reserved