Monday, May 14, 2012

Sacrifice: The Full Extent Of Love

     Some people throw the word, "Love" around like it's nothing.  When they may not know what that word truly means.  Our example of love is, "God" because he is love.  Jesus Christ, (who is God in the flesh) was sacrificed for our sins.  Though he did nothing wrong, he paid the ultimate price for our sins with his life..  God valued our lives over the life of his son.  God's stage of love is, "Agape" unconditional.  There's also "Eros", Physical attraction, "Phila" friendship.  Being human, we have to be shown things for us to believe.  But we must learn to "Walk by faith, not by sight."  (2 Corinthians 5:7).  We need to dissect the word, "Love" before it's thought of in our minds and spoken through our mouths, because we're misrepresenting it's meaning if our "love" doesn't cost us anything.  God allowed the life of his Son, (Jesus Christ) to be sacrificed for our sins on the cross..  To be separated from his Son.  Our sins are paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.  We have connection with God because of the death of his Son.  Now that's the full extent of love.  God is the only one whose ever given it.

                                    Ki Radiance
                                    Monday May 14, 2012
                                    9:43 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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