have to do is remember and not suffer the consequences. You have removed my sins away from me as far
as the east is from the west. All I do is praise because I remember those days. When I was disobedient to
your word, Lord, your forgiveness humbled me to points of me returning to it. All I do is praise because
I remember those days. I remember every lie I told, I was lying to you Lord. Everything I do, I'm doing
to you. I'm so grateful you don't treat me as my sins deserve but as Jesus deserves, to be seated at
your right hand. That's why he's my savior. My sins fall on him, not on me. God valued my life over his
son's, because he allowed Jesus to be separated from him, on my account. When I lied to cover my
backside, when I was disrespectful to my parents, people who came here before me and taught valuable
lessons along the way..e me, you dear Lord forgave
I've only grown from where I was to where I am now because you are patient with me. These are my
training days of me developing Godly-righteous character. My sins are as white as snow because you
erased the darkness that held precedence in my life. This erasing enables me to stand next to you God.
All I do is praise because I remember those days. I used to stand at a distance from you. What used to
be as dark as crimson is covered by your wings of love, which enables me to stand at the right hand of
God. All I do is praise because I remember those days. Each piece of literature I write can be backed
up with scripture because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week. All I do is praise
because I remember those days. So there should be no question why I'm remaining on God's side,
because I know what I have in him. That's the reason all I do is praise, because I remember those days,
of which I will not return.
Psalm 52:9
For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope
in your name, for your name is good.
Ki Radiance
Tuesday November 20, 2012
5:16 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved