Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All I Do Is Praise Because I Remember Those Days

     I will always remember where I came from, because I don't want to go back there.  I'm so grateful all I

have to do is remember and not suffer the consequences.  You have removed my sins away from me as far

as the east is from the west.  All I do is praise because I remember those days.  When I was disobedient to

your word, Lord, your forgiveness humbled me to points of me returning to it.  All I do is praise because

I remember those days.  I remember every lie I told, I was lying to you Lord.  Everything I do, I'm doing

to you.  I'm so grateful you don't treat me as my sins deserve but as Jesus deserves, to be seated at

your right hand.  That's why he's my savior.  My sins fall on him, not on me.  God valued my life over his

son's, because he allowed Jesus to be separated from him, on my account.  When I lied to cover my

backside, when I was disrespectful to my parents, people who came here before me and taught valuable

lessons along the way..e me, you dear Lord forgave

     I've only grown from where I was to where I am now  because you are patient with me.  These are my

training days of me developing Godly-righteous character.  My sins are as white as snow because you

erased the darkness that held precedence in my life.  This erasing enables me to stand next to you God.

All I do is praise because I remember those days.  I used to stand at a distance from you.  What used to

be as dark as crimson is covered by your wings of love, which enables me to stand at the right hand of

God.  All I do is praise because I remember those days.  Each piece of literature I write can be backed

up with scripture because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  All I do is praise

because I remember those days.  So there should be no question why I'm remaining on God's side,

because I know what I have in him.  That's the reason all I do is praise, because I remember those days,

of which I will not return.

                                             Psalm 52:9

     For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people.  And I will hope

in your name, for your name is good.

                                                       Ki Radiance
                                                       Tuesday November 20, 2012
                                                       5:16 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm Invaluable Because I'm Unexplainable

     This is the station I'm standing in and will stand in the rest of my life: invaluable.  I'm invaluable because

my eyes are set on things above.  I'm not limited by anything on earth.  Evidence of this is at work, a lady fell

 in one of the Theaters and a manager came in the hall where I was taking tickets

and casually said, "Yeah, a lady fell in a Theater."  I immediately said, "Here take my wheelchair."  He

surprisingly asked me, "Why would you give your wheelchair away?"  I asked,  Why wouldn't I?  She

needs it more than I do.  I have the ability to walk, she doesn't."  Another incident happened where a

wheelchair was needed, and again I extended my wheelchair .  I consider other people's well-beings

above my own, because I know and trust God will take care of mine.   I consider other people's feelings

before I say a word, because I know words hurt.  I treat people the way I want to be treated.

     People always ask me, "Why do you always have a smile on your face?"  I firmly tell them, "Because

God hasn't given me reasons to frown"  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable. With every action I

perform, I ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"  Who is the image of God and is my example of how to live.

I'm invaluable  because I'm unexplainable.  Some people don't understand why I'm so determined not to

allow my condition, (handicapped, if that's what you want to call it) to be any label of my abilities.  I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippian 4:13).  I can do anything anyone else can do.  It

may take me a while  to accomplish it, but it will get done.  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable.  People

can't explain reasons I perform actions I do.  I perform them because they come from above this world, from

him, (Jesus Christ) who is above this world also.  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable, because I'm not

limited to this world.  So how would it be possible to explain me?  It can't be possible because I'm not

limited to this world.

                (Proverbs 22:9)  A generous man will himself be blessed.

                (Proverbs  11:25:  A generous man will prosper.

                                 Ki Radiance
                                 Thursday November 15, 2012     .
                                 8:19 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The highest Education Is Taught By God

     I don't regret not completing worldly education, because I desire knowledge above this earth: knowledge

from heaven that is delivered by God.  No man can teach me what God teaches me.  Teach me how to love,

no man can teach me.  Teach me why I should be patient, no man can teach me.  Teach me why I should

abstain from premarital sex, no man can teach me.  Teach me to obey God, no man can teach me.  I'm not

supposed to gossip, no man can teach me.  Why I should be generous to other people, no man can teach

me.  This world is not God' s world, filled with evil.  God is good.  There is nothing good in this world, so

why would God be apart of it?  Store up your treasures in heaven.  (Matthew 16: !9)  Do not store up for

yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  God

doesn't associate with darkness, which we are.  He washed his hands of us, but we have a vindicator:

Jesus Christ.

     I want the highest education taught by God.  All of my literature can be backed up with scripture,

because God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  His word is written on my heart.  That's

what makes them beautiful and implants deeply rooted knowledge in people's hearts.  The highest education

is taught by God.  What are we doing to receive it?  God separated himself from us.  That's why he's in

heaven and we're on earth.  If we love God, we would go to the ends of the earth and obey his

commandments, which is how we show God we love him.  This is the highest education that is taught by


                                                      Ki Radiance
                                                      Sunday November 11, 2012
                                                      8:20 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Attack Is To Impact

     My goal in writing is to impact people's hearts.  I attack the world everyday and night with God's word,

him being the answer to every problem we face.  My literature can be backed up with scripture because

God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  God's word is written on  my heart.  My attack

is to impact.  Writing about conditions of the world, aiming to be a mirror for us, so we can see our

responsibilities for it's presentations.  The most powerful weapon we have to fight with is the BIBLE,

which provides, ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  God never gives us more than we can

handle.  He's persisting to make us soldiers of Christ, (our example of how to live).  But we must take

the blinders off to participate in this development.  My attack is to impact the world with my literature.

After people read them, if they don't make people stop and think about actions they perform and

words they speak, if I don't see that spark in their eyes, I haven't done my job as a writer.

     The reason God blessed me with this talent is to be a blessing to other people.  I  give this talent

back to God, persisting to make him visible, revealing his greatness to the world.    Our interactions with

each other and how far away from God we're constantly moving, all to our detriment should be true

eye-openers, not to mention heart-changers.  My attack is to impact because I want to change the

world before I leave it.  Make it evident I was here to those who know me.  My attack is to impact.

Every action I perform are attacks, but I must be careful how I attack, (with positive or negative actions)

because those actions will come back to me.  My attack is to impact every person's heart I come in contact

with.  So I must be careful with my attacks because they will make impacts.  I want to impact the world

with knowledge of God, so they will come to love him as much as I do, even more.  So we all will know

of God's goodness and want to be apart of it.

                                         Ki Radiance
                                         Saturday November 10, 2012
.                                        6:00 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some People Didn't Wake Up Today

     We don't  think about this much, or even at all.  Some people didn't wake up today.  This reality should

emphatically make us, those who have woke up, thankful we did.  Some people didn't wake up today    

That's why I use my talent in writing as a vehicle of glorifying God, because he didn't have to wake me up.

We should love each other because some people didn't wake up today.  No one's promised tomorrow,

so we should tell people we are close to us we love them, because there will come a time where we won't

be able to say anything to them where we'll receive responses.  We should live in unity with each other

because we are connected more than we think.  Everyday those connections are rip apart by some people.

Some people didn't wake up today.  What are we doing to show we're grateful we did?  When some people

serve other people, they're showing they're grateful they woke up today.  When some people uphold and 

obey the law, they're showing they are grateful they woke up today.

     We're not talking about tomorrow, next wee, or next month, we're talking about today.  This one fact

should be engraved in our minds and hearts to appreciate we woke up today.  If you knew you weren't 

going to wake up tomorrow, what would you do today?  All praises should be given to God Almighty for

his mercy in waking us up, knowing he didn't have to.

                          Psalm 39: 4-5  

     Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days: let me know how fleeting is my life.  You

have made my days a mere handbreadth: the span of my years is as nothing before you.  Each man's life is

but a breath.

                                                    Ki Radiance
                                                    Thursday March 22, 2012
                                                    5:10 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved