Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Attack Is To Impact

     My goal in writing is to impact people's hearts.  I attack the world everyday and night with God's word,

him being the answer to every problem we face.  My literature can be backed up with scripture because

God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  God's word is written on  my heart.  My attack

is to impact.  Writing about conditions of the world, aiming to be a mirror for us, so we can see our

responsibilities for it's presentations.  The most powerful weapon we have to fight with is the BIBLE,

which provides, ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  God never gives us more than we can

handle.  He's persisting to make us soldiers of Christ, (our example of how to live).  But we must take

the blinders off to participate in this development.  My attack is to impact the world with my literature.

After people read them, if they don't make people stop and think about actions they perform and

words they speak, if I don't see that spark in their eyes, I haven't done my job as a writer.

     The reason God blessed me with this talent is to be a blessing to other people.  I  give this talent

back to God, persisting to make him visible, revealing his greatness to the world.    Our interactions with

each other and how far away from God we're constantly moving, all to our detriment should be true

eye-openers, not to mention heart-changers.  My attack is to impact because I want to change the

world before I leave it.  Make it evident I was here to those who know me.  My attack is to impact.

Every action I perform are attacks, but I must be careful how I attack, (with positive or negative actions)

because those actions will come back to me.  My attack is to impact every person's heart I come in contact

with.  So I must be careful with my attacks because they will make impacts.  I want to impact the world

with knowledge of God, so they will come to love him as much as I do, even more.  So we all will know

of God's goodness and want to be apart of it.

                                         Ki Radiance
                                         Saturday November 10, 2012
.                                        6:00 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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