Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm Invaluable Because I'm Unexplainable

     This is the station I'm standing in and will stand in the rest of my life: invaluable.  I'm invaluable because

my eyes are set on things above.  I'm not limited by anything on earth.  Evidence of this is at work, a lady fell

 in one of the Theaters and a manager came in the hall where I was taking tickets

and casually said, "Yeah, a lady fell in a Theater."  I immediately said, "Here take my wheelchair."  He

surprisingly asked me, "Why would you give your wheelchair away?"  I asked,  Why wouldn't I?  She

needs it more than I do.  I have the ability to walk, she doesn't."  Another incident happened where a

wheelchair was needed, and again I extended my wheelchair .  I consider other people's well-beings

above my own, because I know and trust God will take care of mine.   I consider other people's feelings

before I say a word, because I know words hurt.  I treat people the way I want to be treated.

     People always ask me, "Why do you always have a smile on your face?"  I firmly tell them, "Because

God hasn't given me reasons to frown"  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable. With every action I

perform, I ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"  Who is the image of God and is my example of how to live.

I'm invaluable  because I'm unexplainable.  Some people don't understand why I'm so determined not to

allow my condition, (handicapped, if that's what you want to call it) to be any label of my abilities.  I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippian 4:13).  I can do anything anyone else can do.  It

may take me a while  to accomplish it, but it will get done.  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable.  People

can't explain reasons I perform actions I do.  I perform them because they come from above this world, from

him, (Jesus Christ) who is above this world also.  I'm invaluable because I'm unexplainable, because I'm not

limited to this world.  So how would it be possible to explain me?  It can't be possible because I'm not

limited to this world.

                (Proverbs 22:9)  A generous man will himself be blessed.

                (Proverbs  11:25:  A generous man will prosper.

                                 Ki Radiance
                                 Thursday November 15, 2012     .
                                 8:19 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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