Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be Still--Wait on the Lord

God commands us to do this every day: be still--wait on me.  But you know how we are--we want t

hings now.  But it isn't always time for us to have what we desire.  When we act in opposition of

God, He will always win.  He is all-knowing, all-powerful, infinite, and the creator of the world.  He

is all-knowing, nothing is hidden from His sight.  We may feel conditions are treacherous, but the

Lord is saying, "Be still--wait on me."  You may ask, "Why does God allow bad things to happen?"

Knowing things only happen when and if God wants to happen.  But who knows the mind of God?

He is mysterious.  He wants us to depend on Him.  He says, "Every knee shall bow, every tongue

will confess, Jesus is Lord."  So I reiterate: be still, wait on the Lord.  God is mysterious so we will

be curious to find Him.  Be still: wait on the Lord.  Some young people have sex and become parents

because they gave in to the temptation.  They didn't listen to that still voice, saying "Be still. Wait on

the Lord."  From the beginning of time, conditions we've faced have been saying to us, and are still

saying to us, "Be still: wait on the Lord."  Some people rape other people, anxious to feel satisfaction

of that kind.  God says, "I will give you the desires of your heart."  We'll have peace if we wait on the

Lord.  We'll have power if we wait on the Lord.  We'll have hope if we depend on the Lord.  The

world is moving too fast, because we don't wait on the Lord.  Some people have incest because they

don't be still and wait on the Lord.  To some people, the Bible is just another book on their shelves, if

it's in their houses at all.  The Bible gives us Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  That's the

resume of the Lord declaring we must wait on him.

Ki Radiance
Monday, February 17, 2014
9:54 a.m.

God Knows But We Wonder

No one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return.  God knows, but we don't know.  Knowing how

powerful and stern God is, that should scare us to death.  Scare us enough to follow the 10

Commandments.  Deuteronomy 5:7-21.  You Shall have no other gods before me.  You shall not

make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath, or in the

waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a

jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generations of

those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my

commandments.  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold

anyone guiltless who misuses his name.  Observed the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy, as the Lord

your God has commanded you.  6 days you shall labor and do all of your work, but the seventh day

is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it you shall not do any work, neither you nor your son or

daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey, or any of your animals, nor

the alien within your gates, so that your manservant or maidservant may rest as you do.  Remember

that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty

hand an outstretched arm.  Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the

Sabbath.  God knows but we wonder.  Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, nor

even the angels in heaven nor the son, but the Father."

Ki Radiance
Sunday, February 16, 2014
4:05 p.m.  c  Copyright-- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I'm Hungry

I'm proud to claim this all day, every day.  I'm hungry.  Not physically, but spiritually.  We're

commanded to walk by faith, not by sight.  Every action I've performed I declared I was hungry.

Always being hungry means I'm never satisfied and am ambitiously aiming to reach higher.  I'm

hungry to live in a better world, so I'm determined to write precisely to be a mirror to the world, So

we can see reflections of what our actions produce.  I'm hungry for unity to reside in the world, so

I'm delivering evidence of how crucial it's needed in our world.  I'm hungry to change the world

before I leave it through my talent in writing.  If my literature doesn't touch people's hearts, change

their walks of life and thought processes in some way, I haven't done my job.  People who read my

literature tell me my writing changes their views of life.  Since this is their responses and view of my

literature and views of life, they're beginning to develop hungers themselves that will impact the

world in some way.  I'm hungry to resist impure sexuality, and I depend on God for that

accomplishment.  I'm hungry to imitate Jesus Christ before anything else, because God, who Jesus is

the image of, is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End.  (Revelation 1:8).  I am the

Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

I'm hungry for God, so my actions I perform and emotions I express determine that I'm hungry.  Are

you?  Actions speak louder than words.

P.S.  Do we know what we have in God?  Everything.  Psalm 107:5-6  They were hungry and thirsty,

and their lives ebbed away.  Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them

from their distress.

                                                                    Ki Radiance
                                                            Wednesday, February 12, 2014
                                               10:00 a.m.  c  Copyright--All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fat in the Lord

I don't care about being fat, as long as I'm fat in the Lord.  I don't have to worry about getting

diabetes because this fatness comes from elevations above this world: heaven.  Dissecting all of

God's essence in my being is a compliment to me, because my understanding reaches elevations

height of heaven.  Every day I expect my spiritual weight to rise to enormous elevations, even when

trying to maintain or lose physical weight.  I've asked my brother in Christ, "Why can all of my

literature be backed up with Scripture?"  He probably responded, "Because God's Word is written on

your heart.  He's on your mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."  I don't care about being fat, as long

as I'm fat in the Lord.  I can sustain this weight by reading the Bible which delivers Basic

Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It shows me how to live, exemplified by Jesus Christ.  I'm fat in

the Lord because I use my talent in writing to glorify the Lord.  Some people who read my literature

ask me, "Why is God the only thing you write about?"  I proudly tell them because he's the only

 thing worth writing about.  I exercise every day.  I physically exercise every day persisting to lose to

 weight.  I spiritually every day by reading the Bible, which makes me fat in the Lord.

                                                                   Ki Radiance
                                                        Saturday, February 1, 2014
                                       9:15 a.m.  c  Copyright-- All Rights Reserved

I Dig Into God's Word Because I'm a Pig for What He's Feeding

God says, "He who finds me loves his own soul."  I dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what

He's feeding.  God's Word is living and active, is useful for teaching correcting, rebuking, and

training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).  He esteems the way of life in His essence.  That's why I

dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what he's feeding.  He's feeding power, sensitivity,

humility, grace, compassion, honor, tenderness, gentleness, forgiveness, hope, and other emotions as

such.  I dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what He's feeding.  I put no one before Him

because He is a jealous God, punishing the generations to the third and fourth generations.  I dig into

God's Word because I'm a pig for what he's feeding.  To get out of this world, we have to do a lot of

digging.  Things don't just happen without me dissecting the Bible to see if the actions line up with

the 10 Commandments.  I'm only a pig when it concerns God's Word.  So that's why I dig: to feed the

spiritual hunger pangs.

                                                                 Ki Radiance
                                                        Friday, January 31, 2014
                                        4:46 p.m.   c  Copyright--All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Running the Race of Finding God

Believers serve a mysterious God.  He does things when He wants to.  No one knows the mind of

God.  No one knows the day, the hour, or the minute of Christ's return (Matthew 24:42).  "Therefore

keep watch, because you don't know on day your Lord will come."  God demands obedience from

us.  We all fall short of the glory of God, because we are flesh and blood.  God gives us another day

to get our walks right with him.  We serve a merciful God.  The Bible gives us Basic Instructions

Before Leaving Earth.  "The word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword,

is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16).  We

don't know when God will call our names.  This is the only race that's crucial to our existences

because we know how much God loves us, and unconditionally.  Finding God shows how much we

love him.  This is the only race worth running--finding God.  "He who finds me loves his own soul."

This is the best exercise we could do.  God runs in being mysterious.  We run with our feet.

Knowing God is all powerful, almighty, all-knowing.  We must run expeditiously because we're

running against God and finding him.

Ki Radiance
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
5:40 a.m  c  Copyright--All Rights Reserved