Friday, February 7, 2014

I Dig Into God's Word Because I'm a Pig for What He's Feeding

God says, "He who finds me loves his own soul."  I dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what

He's feeding.  God's Word is living and active, is useful for teaching correcting, rebuking, and

training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).  He esteems the way of life in His essence.  That's why I

dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what he's feeding.  He's feeding power, sensitivity,

humility, grace, compassion, honor, tenderness, gentleness, forgiveness, hope, and other emotions as

such.  I dig into God's Word because I'm a pig for what He's feeding.  I put no one before Him

because He is a jealous God, punishing the generations to the third and fourth generations.  I dig into

God's Word because I'm a pig for what he's feeding.  To get out of this world, we have to do a lot of

digging.  Things don't just happen without me dissecting the Bible to see if the actions line up with

the 10 Commandments.  I'm only a pig when it concerns God's Word.  So that's why I dig: to feed the

spiritual hunger pangs.

                                                                 Ki Radiance
                                                        Friday, January 31, 2014
                                        4:46 p.m.   c  Copyright--All Rights Reserved

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