Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be Still--Wait on the Lord

God commands us to do this every day: be still--wait on me.  But you know how we are--we want t

hings now.  But it isn't always time for us to have what we desire.  When we act in opposition of

God, He will always win.  He is all-knowing, all-powerful, infinite, and the creator of the world.  He

is all-knowing, nothing is hidden from His sight.  We may feel conditions are treacherous, but the

Lord is saying, "Be still--wait on me."  You may ask, "Why does God allow bad things to happen?"

Knowing things only happen when and if God wants to happen.  But who knows the mind of God?

He is mysterious.  He wants us to depend on Him.  He says, "Every knee shall bow, every tongue

will confess, Jesus is Lord."  So I reiterate: be still, wait on the Lord.  God is mysterious so we will

be curious to find Him.  Be still: wait on the Lord.  Some young people have sex and become parents

because they gave in to the temptation.  They didn't listen to that still voice, saying "Be still. Wait on

the Lord."  From the beginning of time, conditions we've faced have been saying to us, and are still

saying to us, "Be still: wait on the Lord."  Some people rape other people, anxious to feel satisfaction

of that kind.  God says, "I will give you the desires of your heart."  We'll have peace if we wait on the

Lord.  We'll have power if we wait on the Lord.  We'll have hope if we depend on the Lord.  The

world is moving too fast, because we don't wait on the Lord.  Some people have incest because they

don't be still and wait on the Lord.  To some people, the Bible is just another book on their shelves, if

it's in their houses at all.  The Bible gives us Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  That's the

resume of the Lord declaring we must wait on him.

Ki Radiance
Monday, February 17, 2014
9:54 a.m.

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