Friday, February 7, 2014

Fat in the Lord

I don't care about being fat, as long as I'm fat in the Lord.  I don't have to worry about getting

diabetes because this fatness comes from elevations above this world: heaven.  Dissecting all of

God's essence in my being is a compliment to me, because my understanding reaches elevations

height of heaven.  Every day I expect my spiritual weight to rise to enormous elevations, even when

trying to maintain or lose physical weight.  I've asked my brother in Christ, "Why can all of my

literature be backed up with Scripture?"  He probably responded, "Because God's Word is written on

your heart.  He's on your mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."  I don't care about being fat, as long

as I'm fat in the Lord.  I can sustain this weight by reading the Bible which delivers Basic

Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It shows me how to live, exemplified by Jesus Christ.  I'm fat in

the Lord because I use my talent in writing to glorify the Lord.  Some people who read my literature

ask me, "Why is God the only thing you write about?"  I proudly tell them because he's the only

 thing worth writing about.  I exercise every day.  I physically exercise every day persisting to lose to

 weight.  I spiritually every day by reading the Bible, which makes me fat in the Lord.

                                                                   Ki Radiance
                                                        Saturday, February 1, 2014
                                       9:15 a.m.  c  Copyright-- All Rights Reserved

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