Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Invited Back/Heart Attacks

       I’m a people person, can’t get enough of being around 

them.  I exude actions and emotions of Jesus Christ.  I treat 

people as Christ would treat me.  I’ve been at hospitals, and 

when it was time to go back home, I wasn’t ready to go.  

Although I was gone a month, I wasn’t ready to go, because 

people made me feel like family.  People always ask me, 

“Why do you smile all the time?”  I simply tell them, 

“Because God hasn’t given me a reason to frown.”   He tells 

me to give all my worries and concerns to him.  (Psalm 

55:22)  Cast all your worries and concerns on the Lord,

and he will sustain you.  He will never let the righteous be 

shaken.  At two hospitals, I’ve been invited back, because I 

gave heart attacks to people: attack them with the 

heart of Jesus Christ, (image of God).

           P.S. The attacks I give are from my heart, which 

proves I give heart attacks.

                  Ki Radiance

                  Tuesday August 4, 2023

                  1:20 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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