Sunday, October 7, 2012

God Is Mysterious To Keep Us Searching

     Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.  (Matthew 7:7).

Miracles happen everyday for this very reason: to keep us searching for God.  We,  (who .

are believers in God) know it's not because of anything good we have done, but because

of his mercies he so graciously bestows upon us.  God is mysterious to keep us searching.

Everyday we wake up, God hides himself in pursuits of us finding him.  People who know

there is something higher than this world are teachable of God and his wonders, which is

a position we all must stand in.  God is mysterious to keep us searching.  Most people, (if

not all) wonder why harmful occurrences persists to take place?  Mainly to see if we'll depend

on God.  I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  (Revelations 1:8)   We are

nothing without him.  To prove our loyalty to him, we have to be tested, which we are everyday.

"He who finds me loves his own soul."  Our searchings for him will not be in vain.  God is mysterious

to keep us searching.  When we find him, we can't even imagine the explosions  we'd see and experience.

To this end, we must understand God is mysterious to keep us searching.  So it's in our hands.  Will we

search for God to please him?  If we do, we're saying how first we make him, which will be how first

he will make us.

           (1 Chronicles 28:9) And you, Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father and serve him

with whole hearted devotion and with a willing mind for the Lord.  Searches every heart and understands

every desire and every thought.

                                                  Ki Radiance
                                                  Saturday October 6, 2012
                                                  10:15 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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