The word of God is water for those people who are thirsty. The world is like a desert,: dry. Some
people run to the Bible for their fill of water. Water is what we need to live. But spiritual is what we
need most. The well, (water of God) should be appealing to everyone. But with human beings adding
and subtracting from the word of God deteriorates it's meaning and our advancements. God say,
"Nothing should be added to or subtracted from my word." I always write about God because he's
the only thing worth writing about. All of my literature can be backed up with God's word, because
he's on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week. God's word is written on my heart. Most
people love reading my literature because the truth is revealed in them. Some hearts I can touch and
impact and some I can't. That's because those people whose hearts I can't impact have their affections
set on on the ways of Satan.
God speaks to me everyday and night with inspirational and motivational pieces of literature to write and
share with people. This is because they're not mine to keep, but mine to spread around to every person's
heart who will accept them. Some people get fed the word and accepts it, and other people are fed the
word but don't accept it. It's like God's word with them falls on death ears. The way we drink the water
is by walking in his footsteps. Again I state, "I can lead you to the water, but I can't make you drink."
By drinking the water, you are protected from the evil one. He knows your weaknesses and persists to
use them towards his advantages. You have to know who God and Satan are and decide who you will
obey. But knowing God is good, there should be no question. But the decision is yours because, I can
lead you to the water, but I can't make you drink.
Ki Radiance
Thursday October 18, 2012
11:06 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved
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