Friday, September 19, 2014

God Made A Way Because I Took Time To Pray

     Praying is how we communicate with God.  Through us reading the BIBLE is how

he communicateswith us. The BIBLEdisplays,"Basic Instructions Before  Leaving

Earth."  God made a way for me to become a writer, where I can help change minds

and hearts of the world.  Where I can be inspirational.  A writer who touches people's hearts

through this talent he's blessed me with.  I prayed to God to not only bless me with a career,

but a career where I can be instrumental in people's developments of themselves.  God made a  way

for me to complete two and a half years of college because I took time to pray.  God made a way

for me to show determination to accomplish anything because I took time to pray.  God made a way

for me to write a book, put expressions of my heart on paper and sell the book. God made a way for

me to appear on television and read my literature at different avenues around the world.                                                                      
     I've also read my literature on the radio.  God gives me the desires of my heart.  (Psalm 37:4). 

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Some people asked me,

"Why do you only write about God?  I confidently replied, "Because he's the only thing worth

writing about."  One day getting out of bed, I fell down and hit my head on my wheelchair's

footrests, which were flipped up.  That lefta bruised line extending from my nose to my forehead.

I was ready to go to work, but I had to take a week off.  God made a way because I took time to

pray.  Prayer gives God permission to move in directions of our desires.  So we should constantly

be on our knees, keep our eyes closed, and our hands clasped together.  Remember I have desires

of my heart for this reason, I took time to pray, and I praise God, he made a way.

                                                           Ki Radiance
                                                           Friday September 19, 2014
                                                           12:02 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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